Tag: trauma

First Responders: Risk of Substance Abuse and Addiction

First Responders: Risk of Substance Abuse and Addiction addiction among emergency responders

Emergency responders do incredible work, but they are people too. As a result, the risk of substance abuse and addiction among first responders is high.t comes with many physical and psychological strains that can negatively affect a person’s well-being. Emergency responders do incredible work, but they are people too. As a result, the risk of substance abuse and addiction among first responders is high.

An In-Depth Overview of Drug Use and Co-Occurring Disorders

An In-Depth Overview of Drug Use and Co-Occurring Disorders understanding co occurring disorders

About 7.9 million adults in the United States suffered from co-occurring disorders in 2014, according to the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health publDrug Use and Co-Occurring Disorders: Most Common Co-Occurring Disorders with Addictionished by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.1 Unfortunately, since co-occurring disorders are often very complex, many individuals […]

7 Common Challenges People Face in Addiction Recovery

7 Common Challenges People Face in Addiction Recovery woman depressed avoiding relapse

Successfully completing a drug and alcohol rehab program and re-entering society as a sober individual does not come without its own unique challenges. Maybe your loved one is in rehab and you want to understand what he or she may be experiencing. Or maybe you’re considering enrolling in a rehab program yourself, but your fears […]

What Is Trauma-Informed Care For Addiction?

What Is Trauma-Informed Care For Addiction? The role of trauma in addiction

Did you know nearly two-thirds of all individuals receiving treatment for drug abuse report being physically, sexually or emotionally abused as a child?  While this statistic can’t be attributed as a singular cause for drug abuse, research shows that traumatic childhood experiences such as abuse, neglect, crime, or accidents can lead to addictive behaviors later in life.

The Importance of Recognizing and Treating Trauma

The Importance of Recognizing and Treating Trauma the importance of recognizing and treating trauma

Survivors of trauma are everywhere among us, sometimes in our own families. Whether the trauma involved witnessing or experiencing a violent event, surviving a natural disaster, returning home after serving our country as a member of the armed forces in an area of intense, unrelenting combat, struggling to come to grips with life after prolonged domestic or partner abuse, or trying to put the pieces back together after childhood years of physical and/or sexual abuse, neglect or abandonment, the result is the same: trying to mend a life shattered by trauma.

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