
Tag: relapse

Do I Need to Join an Aftercare Program for Rehab?

Do I Need to Join an Aftercare Program for Rehab? substance abuse interventionist

Aftercare programs in rehab centers provide for a long-term support system to all the participants. It usually involves group therapy sessions facilitated by a licensed counselor. Anyone who has completed their rehab programs and is currently going through them can attend them, and they can learn and share ways to remain sober, without the comforts and conditions of recovery homes.

How Addiction Monitoring Program Helps in Prevention of Relapse

How Addiction Monitoring Program Helps in Prevention of Relapse

For anyone going through de-addiction, it is very hard to go through the relapse phase. This is when your mind and body are split up, with your mind trying to control your habit, while your body trying to get back into it.

8 Daily Relapse Prevention Tips

8 Daily Relapse Prevention Tips 8 Daily Relapse Prevention Tips

Hi there, thanks for joining me. This podcast is all about sharing positive advice and wisdom for daily life in recovery. In this episode, I’m going to provide 8 daily relapse prevention tips.

If you are in recovery, you’re most likely fully aware that every day can be a challenge. Although your days in detox and rehab are over and you’re not actively abusing drugs and alcohol anymore, day-to-day life can still be filled with triggers, stressful occurrences, and cravings.
You’re not alone in this struggle and many other people are also be facing similar challenges each day.

Relapse is a very real risk so implementing these daily relapse prevention tips and strategies is a great way to maintain your sobriety. Most people are often more successful at maintaining long-term sobriety with the help of a support system and ongoing recovery services. In addition to those services, here are eight relapse prevention tips. Keep these things in mind each day and use them to address any warning signs of relapse.

Tip #1. Know the signs of emotional and mental relapse.
Tip #2. Be aware of how you’re feeling, emotionally and physically.
Tip #3. Fill your free time.
Tip #4. Resist the urge to skip support group meetings.
Tip #5. Carry your emergency contact list with you wherever you go.
Tip #6. Always have a backup plan.
Tip #7. Take care of yourself first.
Tip #8. Invest your time in building healthy relationships instead of lingering on old, unhealthy ones.

6 Important Things No One Tells You About Addiction

6 Important Things No One Tells You About Addiction rehab group session

Substance use disorder is a complex issue and negative social stigma often keeps people from sharing their life experiences involving addiction. Throughout the treatment process, people in recovery work hard to explore the causes of their substance abuse and strategies for preventing relapse. During this process, they learn many things about addiction that could have […]

Is Marijuana Addictive?

Is Marijuana Addictive? marijuana addiction

According to the Pew Research Center, about six-in-ten Americans (62%) say the use of marijuana should be legalized.1 But should more people be wary about its addictive qualities? And who is most at risk of developing marijuana addiction? Is Marijuana Addictive? Not everyone who uses marijuana will become addicted but some may develop a tolerance, […]

PTSD and Addiction: Healing the Wounds

PTSD and Addiction: Healing the Wounds woman suffering from PTSD

The National Center for PTSD reports about seven or eight of every 100 people will suffer from PTSD at some point in their lives.1 People with PTSD are also three times more likely to abuse drugs than those without it. Additionally, 50 percent of people who have PTSD also abuse alcohol.2 While the relationship between […]

Ready to Get Sober? 5 Reasons Not to Wait Until After the Holidays

Ready to Get Sober? 5 Reasons Not to Wait Until After the Holidays calendar

The holiday season is a joyous and eventful time that many people look forward to. If your addiction has reared it’s ugly head and you’re finally ready to get help, the thought of missing out on the holiday fun may be a major deterrent. Although it may be easier to shelve the idea of going […]

Holiday Lapse: How to Avoid Relapse and Bounce Back from a Slip

Holiday Lapse: How to Avoid Relapse and Bounce Back from a Slip woman who just relapsed

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, between 40 and 60 percent of people who are in recovery will relapse, a testament to just how difficult maintaining sobriety can be.1 Relapse is not considered to be the catastrophe it once was, and it’s not an indication that treatment was unsuccessful. In fact, relapse is […]

Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Relapse with Long-Term Rehab

Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Relapse with Long-Term Rehab Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Relapse with Long-Term Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Let’s pretend for a moment that you’re an alcoholic. Your wife left you and took the kids with her, your family members don’t really talk to you or associate with you anymore, and your only friends are the bottles of liquor that you keep in your kitchen cabinets. One day you decided you were tired […]

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