Category: Substance Abuse

The Effects of Workplace Substance Abuse

The Effects of Workplace Substance Abuse man abusing drugs in the office

Have you ever shown up to work high or hungover from drinking the night before? How well did you perform that day? Many employees suffer and struggle to perform to their full potential due to the effects of substance abuse. Employees with substance abuse issues are less productive, use more sick days, are more likely […]

Substance Abuse in the Restaurant Industry

Substance Abuse in the Restaurant Industry restaurant chef cooking

Did you know that 8.7 percent of full-time workers ages 18 to 64 used alcohol heavily in the past month? And 8.6 percent used illicit drugs in the past month? More than nine percent of workers in the U.S. have a substance use problem and a majority of them are working in the restaurant and […]

Overdose Death Rates Now Higher Than Previous Four Years Combined

Overdose Death Rates Now Higher Than Previous Four Years Combined Higher Overdose Death Rates

The drug overdose epidemic is accelerating quickly, according to recent reports from Fortune and Bloomberg. Federal data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that drug overdose deaths spiked by 21 percent last year, which was more than the previous four years combined.1

Texas Law May Provide Drug Rehab Instead of Jail Time

Texas Law May Provide Drug Rehab Instead of Jail Time Texas law to improve mental illness treatment in prisons

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed the Sandra Bland Act into law back in June and it went into effect on September 1, 2017. The law requires jailers to make an immediate determination on the mental health status of an inmate, and divert those who have a mental illness or substance abuse problem to a treatment […]

America’s Increase in Hepatitis C Linked to Opioid Crisis

America’s Increase in Hepatitis C Linked to Opioid Crisis America’s Increase in Hepatitis C Linked to Opioid Crisis

A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that the number of Hepatitis C cases skyrocketed over a five-year period to an estimated 34,000 new hepatitis C cases in 2015, nearly tripling the number in 2010.1

90-Day Alcohol Treatment Programs

90-Day Alcohol Treatment Programs 90-day alcohol treatment

A 90 day alcohol treatment program may be most effective choice when you’re struggling with an alcohol use disorder, but how long should your stay in treatment last?. That answer can vary per person, from 30, 60 to 90 days in an inpatient facility that provides a high level of structure, 24/7 monitoring and therapeutic treatment.

Peer Pressure and Drug Abuse: How Strong is the Link?

Peer Pressure and Drug Abuse: How Strong is the Link? child being pressured by friends

Peer pressure from children’s friends in school can have a high impact on decisions they make. Friends play a significant role in how your child makes decisions. When your child hangs out with kids who do certain things, the tendency for your child to join in greatly increases. A study done by Columbia University found that a child is six times more likely to have an alcoholic drink if they have friends who drink.1

Rethinking Prison for Drug Offenders: Alternatives to Incarceration

Rethinking Prison for Drug Offenders: Alternatives to Incarceration rethinking prison for drug offenders

Jail and prison overcrowding are a major problem in the U.S. today. Our country accounts for five percent of the world’s population, but we house 25 percent of the world’s prisoners, according to the ACLU of Texas1.

Teen Prescription Drug Abuse: Parents Should Safely Store Medication

Teen Prescription Drug Abuse: Parents Should Safely Store Medication medicine cabinet

You may have heard some families are locking their medicine cabinet in their homes, and you may think that seems a bit ridiculous. If you haven’t gotten the memo yet, parents it’s time to clean out your medicine cabinets and lock prescription opioid painkillers away. Teen prescription drug abuse is becoming a serious problem in the United States today. According to the Partnership for a Drug-Free America: 1 in 5 teens has abused prescription pain medication.

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