Seeking Treatment A Loved One

Addictions Treatments

I’m Seeking Treatment for a Loved One

Common Questions and Answers for People Seeking Treatment on Behalf of a Loved One

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Most common questions

How do I know if my loved one is addicted?

No one wants to admit that their spouse, child, or friend has a problem with drugs or alcohol, but coming to terms with the problem is one of the best things you can do to help your loved one get better. Here are some of the main telltale signs of addiction:

  • Your loved one is unable to control his or her drug usage.
  • Your loved one continues to use drugs despite the damage it’s causing.
  • Your loved one isolate his or herself from the rest of your family members.
  • Your loved one spends the majority of his or her time using drugs.
  • Your loved one gets into dangerous and/or life-threatening situations while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

How do I get my loved one to go to treatment?

Approaching your loved one in a calm and caring manner is a good place to start. If they don’t respond well to an open and honest conversation about their drug use, you may need to plan an intervention with family and friends. Professional interventionists can help you plan an intervention that will be more likely to succeed in getting your loved one to enroll in treatment. If your loved one is facing criminal charges, he or she may also be eligible for court-ordered treatment.

What are my loved one’s treatment options?

Your loved one may choose to pursue a variety of different treatment options at Nova Recovery Center, but many people need to start with a drug detox program before they can enroll in rehab. After your loved one completes a detox program, he or she will have the following treatment options at Nova.

  • Drug and alcohol detoxDetox is a brief period of medical treatment and counseling that helps a person overcome their physical dependence on a drug. This will help prepare the client for entry into a drug and alcohol rehab program, which is the next stage of addiction treatment.
  • Drug and alcohol rehab Nova Recovery Center offers a long-term rehab program that lasts 90 days. The program consists of comprehensive 12-step group work, behavioral therapies, individual and group counseling, chemical dependency education, and a family program.
  • IOPNova’s IOP or intensive outpatient programs are structured addiction treatment sessions facilitated by a licensed clinical counselor. Group discussions cover topics like social skills, restructuring thoughts and behaviors, relapse prevention, problem-solving and more.
  • Sober livingOur sister company, Eudaimonia Recovery Homes, provides sober living houses and programs that are designed to help clients make the transition from rehab to independent living by providing a safe, structured, and sober group home environment.
  • AftercareAftercare programs are designed specifically for alumni who have already completed our drug and alcohol rehab program but who would like continued support and accountability to maintain their sobriety. Group sessions meet once a week and can be used as sobriety check-ins.

Addiction treatment is a long-term process and most often consists of various different stages of treatment. At Nova, our continuum of care is specifically designed to carry clients through each stage of treatment so they can emerge a capable, well-functioning and sober individual.

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How do I know what type of treatment my loved one needs?

The right type of treatment will depend on your loved one’s individual needs. The National Institute on Drug Abuse recommends considering these five questions when selecting an addiction treatment program.

  • Does the program use treatments backed by scientific evidence?
  • Will the program tailor its treatment to the needs of your loved one?
  • Will the program adapt the treatment plan as your loved one’s needs change?
  • Is the duration of treatment sufficient?
  • How do 12-step or similar recovery programs fit into drug addiction treatment?

When should my loved one enroll in treatment?

There’s never a perfect time to enroll a loved one in an addiction treatment program and despite popular opinion, it is certainly not necessary to wait until your loved one hits “rock bottom” before taking action. In fact, the earlier an addiction is addressed, the better off your loved one will be. As soon as you realize that your loved one is addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, you should address the issue and begin talking to them about their treatment options. Please contact the Nova admissions team today to learn more about treatment options or to enroll your loved one in an addiction treatment program.

What are my loved one’s options for paying for treatment?

At Nova Recovery Center, we provide many different payment options that can make addiction treatment more affordable for your loved one. Payment options include:

How can I support my loved one while they are in treatment?

There are many ways you can support your loved one while he or she is in treatment. Here are a few great ways:

  • Make yourself available to participate in family or couples therapy.
  • Attend Nova’s intensive Family Program event
  • Communicate regularly with your loved one’s treatment team
  • Join a support group for family members of addicted individuals like Nar-Anon family groups
  • Prepare your home for your loved one’s return (get rid of alcohol, lock up prescription drugs, throw away drug paraphernalia)

What will help me cope with my loved one’s addiction?

The effects of drug and alcohol addiction are extremely painful and far-reaching. If you feel like you’re falling apart and you don’t know what to do, you are not alone. Coping with a loved one’s addiction is difficult and you are not expected to do it by yourself. In fact, you should find comfort in knowing that there are others who are experiencing the same things you are. Here are a few things that may help:

  • Join a support group like Nar-Anon Family Groups
  • Focus on taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental health.
  • Eat nutritious meals, exercise regularly, and get adequate sleep.
  • Attend individual counseling.

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What Makes Us Different

  • Gender-specific treatment
  • Evidenced-based treatment
  • 12-Step immersion
  • 90-day residential treatment
  • Family program
  • Full continuum of care
  • Insurance and private pay

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Nova Recovery Center is dedicated to helping you or your loved one get help. Please call or fill out this form for a confidential consultation.

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Nova Recovery Center is dedicated to helping you or your loved one get help. Please call or fill out this form for a confidential consultation. One of our understanding, dedicated advisors will contact you about your options. Begin healing today.

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