Tag: suicide

How Does Alcohol and Drug Use Influence Suicidal Behaviors?

How Does Alcohol and Drug Use Influence Suicidal Behaviors? substance abuse and suicide

Addiction, depression, and suicide are all very closely related. People who suffer from severe depression and other mental health issues often engage in risky behaviors or turn to drugs and alcohol to numb their negative feelings. However, chronic alcohol or drug abuse also produces toxic side effects, including mental health issues like anxiety and depression. As a person continues to use alcohol or drugs to cope with depression, they’re likely to experience depressive episodes more often, increasing feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Richard’s Story: Finding True Happiness

Richard’s Story: Finding True Happiness stories addiction recovery

  Richard King’s childhood in Southern California was idealistic and happy. He had very loving and supportive parents and grandparents, he never needed or wanted for anything, and he had a great relationship with his sister. He spent his days playing without a care in the world and he was generally very content. It wasn’t […]

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