Tag: spouse

Are Partners of Alcoholics More Likely to Become Alcoholics Themselves?

Are Partners of Alcoholics More Likely to Become Alcoholics Themselves? Are Partners of Alcoholics More Likely to Become Alcoholics Themselves?

Partners of alcoholics may be more likely to become alcoholics themselves, although there are many complex factors involved. Due to the likelihood of extreme emotional problems, social isolation, health issues, financial difficulties and more, people with alcoholic spouses or partners may choose to self-medicate with alcohol to cope. Challenges of Having an Alcoholic Spouse or […]

Tips for Living Life with a Spouse in Recovery

Tips for Living Life with a Spouse in Recovery Tips for Living Life with a Spouse in Recovery

Family, Marriage, and Addiction In some families, addiction is something that is rarely talked about, but its effects are felt in the strained relationships of all those involved. Studies have concluded that the risk of developing a drug or alcohol addiction is largely based on genetics and poor coping skills, but also that children of […]

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