Tag: high-functioning alcoholic

Why High Functioning Alcoholism is More Dangerous than Dysfunctional Alcoholism

Why High Functioning Alcoholism is More Dangerous than Dysfunctional Alcoholism woman drank too much

Alcoholism is one of the most common of the addiction problems that is faced around the world. Of all the addictive substances, alcohol is perhaps the most easily available and loosely regulated product in the world. Underage drinking is a rising concern in many countries and even among adults, drinking causes many health problems.

How to Overcome Being a High-Functioning Alcoholic

How to Overcome Being a High-Functioning Alcoholic high-functioning alcoholic

Millions of Americans can drink socially without encountering too many negative consequences, other than the occasional hangover and acting like a fool on the rare occasions they imbibe too much. Some, however, consider drinking so much a part of their life that they automatically think of ordering a drink when in a social situation or unwinding after a day at work or school. While they haven’t crossed the line into full-scale alcohol addiction, they may be well on their way. They may, in fact, be high-functioning alcoholics.

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