Tag: Adderall

Back to School: Adderall Abuse Among College Students

Back to School: Adderall Abuse Among College Students Back to School - Adderall can help you focus for studying, but is the risk of addiction worth it?

It’s back to school time again, which means cramped dorm living, mountains of coursework, and strict professors. Let’s face it, college comes with a lot of stress and responsibility with not much in the way of leniency for failure. Relying on caffeine and Adderall to finish up a paper due at midnight might seem like a harmless option as long as it doesn’t become a habit. But Adderall is an amphetamine that can be highly addictive if used improperly. 

Never Forget, But Keep Moving Forward

Never Forget, But Keep Moving Forward stories addiction recovery

All Zach Carlisle ever wanted was to fit in and have friends. He primarily spent his childhood in Flower Mound, Texas, where he grew up in a loving, supportive, and religious home. Zach yearned to really belong with a group of his peers even though he was a shy and reserved child. He connected with […]

How to Stop Taking Adderall

How to Stop Taking Adderall How to Stop Taking Adderall

Adderall dependence is extremely common and many people use the drug medically or recreationally to get through the day. According to a 2016 study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Adderall abuse is most common among young adults ages 18 to 25.1 Another study found that about 1 in 3 college students reported misusing […]

Scheduling and Drug Classification Charts: Making Sense of Drugs

Scheduling and Drug Classification Charts: Making Sense of Drugs variety of drugs

Drug classification and scheduling systems are helpful ways for people of all backgrounds and professions to clearly distinguish the potential dangers of various drugs and prescription medications. But for those who don’t understand the classification system, it may just seem like a bunch of legal jargon and nonsense.

Are Sleep Aid Medications Gateway Drugs?

Are Sleep Aid Medications Gateway Drugs? sleep aid medications

According to a 2017 review published in the journal The Gerontologist, about 1 in 5 adults use an over-the-counter sleep aid medication to get some shut eye.1 While the study cited Benadryl as being one of the most commonly used sleep-inducing drugs (even though it’s actually intended to treat allergy symptoms), the long-term use and […]

Netflix Documentary Review: Take Your Pills

Netflix Documentary Review: Take Your Pills Netflix Documentary Review: Take Your Pills

The Netflix documentary “Take Your Pills,” directed by Alison Klayman, asks some very pointed questions regarding our society’s willingness to use performance-enhancing stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin. Although the film explores the historical development, production, and widespread use of these drugs over time, it also begs one very important question: What is the cost of […]

Teen Prescription Drug Abuse: Parents Should Safely Store Medication

Teen Prescription Drug Abuse: Parents Should Safely Store Medication medicine cabinet

You may have heard some families are locking their medicine cabinet in their homes, and you may think that seems a bit ridiculous. If you haven’t gotten the memo yet, parents it’s time to clean out your medicine cabinets and lock prescription opioid painkillers away. Teen prescription drug abuse is becoming a serious problem in the United States today. According to the Partnership for a Drug-Free America: 1 in 5 teens has abused prescription pain medication.

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