Cyclobenzaprine Addiction: Side Effects, Detox, Withdrawal, and Treatment

Table of contents
- What is Cyclobenzaprine?
- Is Cyclobenzaprine Addictive?
- Slang for Cyclobenzaprine
- How Common Is Cyclobenzaprine Addiction and Abuse?
- What Are the Side Effects of Cyclobenzaprine Abuse?
- What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Cyclobenzaprine Addiction?
- Cyclobenzaprine Detox and Withdrawal
- Cyclobenzaprine Withdrawal Timeline
- Treatment for Cyclobenzaprine Addiction
- Continued Care Options for Cyclobenzaprine Treatment
What is Cyclobenzaprine?
Cyclobenzaprine is a prescription drug and muscle relaxant that is used to treat pain caused by muscle spasms. It may also be used to treat fibromyalgia. On a chemical level, cyclobenzaprine is related to a type of drug called tricyclic antidepressants, which are used to treat depression, anxiety, and pain. Both cyclobenzaprine and tricyclic antidepressants are frequently abused, according to the FDA.
Cyclobenzaprine affects the central nervous system and blocks feelings of pain in the user. The dosage form is available in tablets, capsules, and powder form. People who abuse this drug may dissolve it in alcohol or crush the tablets and snort the cyclobenzaprine.
This prescription drug is intended for short-term use, but it is frequently abused for its narcotic-like high, and the feelings of euphoria and relaxation it creates. When it is used with other central nervous system depressants like alcohol, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and narcotics, its effects are intensified.
Brand names for cyclobenzaprine include:
- Flexeril
- Amrix
- Fexmid
- FusePaq Tabradol
Is Cyclobenzaprine Addictive?
Although cyclobenzaprine is not currently a controlled substance in the United States, it does have the potential for abuse, tolerance, and addiction.
Slang for Cyclobenzaprine
The following terms are street names or slang for cyclobenzaprine:
- Flexies
- Cyclone
- Mellow yellow
How Common Is Cyclobenzaprine Addiction and Abuse?
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, about 54 million people ages 12 and up have abused a prescription drug like cyclobenzaprine at least once in their lifetime. Like many other prescription drugs, the abuse of cyclobenzaprine is common in the U.S. Additionally, since cyclobenzaprine isn’t a controlled substance, it’s relatively accessible and easy to get.
Prescription drugs like cyclobenzaprine are most frequently abused by young adults who may obtain the drug from friends, family members, or by purchasing them illegally online. People who have a legitimate prescription for cyclobenzaprine may also be at risk for developing tolerance and addiction if they continue to use the drug on a long-term basis, or they take higher or more frequent doses than recommended. Abusing cyclobenzaprine in any way, such as taking it for long periods of time, can lead to tolerance and addiction.
What Are the Side Effects of Cyclobenzaprine Abuse?
If a person is abusing cyclobenzaprine, he or she may experience the following side effects:
- Confusion
- Agitation
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Rapid heart rate
- High blood pressure
- Slurred speech
- Reduced muscle control
- Tremors
- Coma
A person who abuses cyclobenzaprine may also accidentally overdose on the drug. Symptoms of cyclobenzaprine overdose include:
- Fever
- Seizures
- Chest pain
- Low blood pressure
- Irregular heart rate
- Cardiac arrest
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Cyclobenzaprine Addiction?
In 2016, an estimated 5.2 million people used Flexeril (the brand name for cyclobenzaprine) and 256,000 people abused it at least once.
Certain people may have a higher risk of developing cyclobenzaprine addiction, including those with a prescription and medical need for the drug. A person at high risk for prescription drug abuse may also be:
- Someone who has had a substance abuse problem in the past
- Someone with a family history of addiction and drug abuse
- Someone who is regularly exposed to a social environment drug use is accepted
- Someone with certain psychiatric issues
- Someone who is unfamiliar with the risks of prescription drugs
Common signs of cyclobenzaprine addiction include:
- Trying to stop but being unable to control the cyclobenzaprine usage
- Experiencing cyclobenzaprine withdrawal symptoms when the effects of the drug wear off
- Stealing, forging, or selling prescriptions
- Taking higher doses of cyclobenzaprine than prescribed
- Using cyclobenzaprine with illegal drugs or alcohol
- Excessive mood swings or hostility
- Requesting early refills or “losing” prescriptions
- Requesting cyclobenzaprine prescriptions from more than one doctor
Someone who is displaying multiple signs of cyclobenzaprine addiction may need to seek professional addiction treatment for help getting sober.
Cyclobenzaprine Detox and Withdrawal
One of the most common signs of cyclobenzaprine addiction is experiencing withdrawal symptoms when the effects of the drug wear off. Although cyclobenzaprine withdrawal symptoms are not extremely harmful or deadly on their own, they can increase the severity of withdrawal from other substances.
Common cyclobenzaprine withdrawal symptoms include:
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Nausea
- Anxiety
- Chills
- Fever
- General discomfort
A person who is addicted to cyclobenzaprine may choose to enroll in a medical detox program to help alleviate the discomfort associated with detox. Medical detox programs for prescription drug abuse provide round-the-clock medical assistance to treat uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal and respond to any medical emergencies that occur.
Medical detox also introduces cyclobenzaprine treatment like individual or group counseling and prepares clients for entry into a drug rehab program. Not only is cyclobenzaprine detox great preparation for ongoing addiction treatment, but it also reduces the risk of relapse by providing professional assistance throughout the process.
Cyclobenzaprine Withdrawal Timeline
1-2 days after the last dose: About 24 to 48 hours after taking cyclobenzaprine, people may begin to feel general discomfort and flu-like symptoms.
2-4 days after the last dose: Cyclobenzaprine withdrawal symptoms usually peak around this time.
1-2 weeks after the last dose: Withdrawal symptoms may last up to two weeks after the initial start of cyclobenzaprine detox, but they will gradually taper off and become less severe over time.
Treatment for Cyclobenzaprine Addiction
If you are addicted to cyclobenzaprine, a cyclobenzaprine rehab program is an excellent way to overcome your addiction. Although cyclobenzaprine detox will provide treatment for physical addiction, ongoing cyclobenzaprine treatment will address the social, psychological, and behavioral aspects of addiction.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction treatment programs that last at least 90 days are most effective at helping people overcome their addiction(s) and maintain their sobriety long-term. Additionally, 90-day rehab programs give clients an extended amount of time to stay in a safe, sober environment before returning to a less protected living environment.
During cyclobenzaprine rehab, you will work with professional treatment staff alongside your peers to reduce your risk of relapse and develop important life skills for sobriety. These goals are accomplished with cyclobenzaprine treatment that consists of:
- Chemical dependency education
- In-depth 12-Step Program work
- Relapse prevention strategies and implementation
- Like skills development
- Family support and healing
- Behavioral therapy
- Individual and group therapy
Although every cyclobenzaprine rehab program will be different, these are the building blocks for a comprehensive addiction treatment program.
Inpatient Drug Rehab vs. Outpatient Drug Rehab for Cyclobenzaprine Addiction
If you choose to enroll in a cyclobenzaprine rehab program after completing detox, you will need to decide what type of program is best for you. Many people enroll in a residential program or an outpatient program, although there are some differences between the two.
- A residential drug rehab program is a facility that provides safe, comfortable, and sober gender-specific living environments and clinical treatment facilities at the same location. Clients who are enrolled in residential cyclobenzaprine rehab live onsite throughout the duration of their program and adhere to a structured daily schedule, which may include meditation, meals, process groups, individual therapy sessions, homework time, and more. These types of programs typically provide the most structure and are ideal for people with severe addictions or who have relapsed once or several times before.
- An outpatient drug rehab program is a type of rehab program that provides clients with more flexibility to attend rehab while also working, going to school, or caring for children at home. Outpatient programs meet two to three times each week at a clinical local where clients work through recovery materials. Sessions are facilitated by professional addiction treatment staff in a group environment that includes both men and women.
The type of cyclobenzaprine rehab you choose will also affect the price. Most rehab programs accept medical insurance benefits to help reduce the cost of treatment. There are also several other payment options that can help clients pay for rehab, including:
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) benefits
- Private, financed medical loans
- Scholarships
It is a good idea to exhaust all of these options if you’re considering enrolling in rehab, as they can help you pay for treatment, regardless of your financial circumstances.
Continued Care Options for Cyclobenzaprine Treatment
Addiction is a chronic relapsing disease that can only be overcome with continued treatment and recovery support. Cyclobenzaprine addiction is no different. Alumni of cyclobenzaprine detox, inpatient, and outpatient rehab programs may choose to continue their cyclobenzaprine treatment with continued care options like a sober living program or aftercare program.
Sober Living Programs
A sober living program is a recovery support program designed to help recovering addicts make the transition from a life of addiction to a life of sobriety. Often, this transition comes with a host of practical, spiritual, and physical challenges, which can be difficult to manage independently.
At a sober living home, clients receive affordable sober housing, sobriety accountability, a structured and clean living environment, and recovery support services. Although sober living houses (also referred to as halfway houses, ¾ houses, or transitional homes) sometimes get a bad rep, they are very helpful and effective resources for people in all stages of addiction recovery.
If you’re searching for a sober living home to support your recovery from cyclobenzaprine addiction, you may want to look for a program that provides the following recovery support services:
- Regular drug testing
- Personal monitoring
- Employment assistance
- Educational planning assistance
- Volunteer support
- Guided recovery program
A sober living program that offers these types of support services will provide a well-rounded cyclobenzaprine treatment program for men and women in recovery.
The cost of a sober living program will vary greatly, depending on the sober living home’s location, amenities, and recovery support services offered. The best way to determine the price of a sober living home is to contact an admissions representative directly for more information.
Aftercare Programs
An aftercare program is another type of recovery support program that provides ongoing assistance for people who are recovering from cyclobenzaprine addiction and other types of substance abuse problems.
Aftercare consists of regularly hosted group meetings that are facilitated by professional addiction treatment staff at a secure location. These group meetings can be combined with AA or NA support group meetings as well.
Each meeting provides a safe and supportive environment where clients can be open about their struggles and success in addiction recovery and hear from others as they collectively work toward the goal of sustained, long-term sobriety.
If you are currently addicted to cyclobenzaprine or your loved one is struggling with prescription drug abuse, please contact Nova Recovery Center today for more information about our addiction treatment services and programs. Our admissions representatives are waiting for your call.
Nova Recovery Center offers a large range of substance abuse treatment services: detox, residential, outpatient and sober living.