
Inhalant Addiction: Side Effects, Detox, Withdrawal, and Treatment

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What are Inhalants?
Inhalants are breathable substances that produce mind-altering vapors. They can range from household products like markers, nail polish remover, or spray paint, to gases used in a medical environment, such as chloroform or nitrous oxide. These substances aren’t intended to be used recreationally, but people misuse them to get high.
Most inhalants affect the central nervous system and slow down brain activity. This produces side effects like euphoria, slurred speech, lack of coordination, and dizziness. Long-term inhalant abuse can also cause other more serious or life-threatening side effects.1
People may misuse inhalants in a variety of ways, such as by:
- Inhaling them through the nose or mouth
- Snorting the fumes from containers
- Spraying aerosol directly into the nose or mouth
- Sniffing fumes sprayed into a plastic or paper bag
- “Huffing” from an inhalant-soaked rag stuffed into the mouth
- Inhaling from balloons filled with nitrous oxide
The high that is produced from inhaling these substances typically only lasts a few brief minutes. However, many users continue to huff, sniff, or inhale for several hours at a time to make the high last longer.
Inhalant abuse first became popular in the 1960s when teens were sniffing glue. Today, these substances are still most frequently abused by young teens and according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the Monitoring the Future survey, 13.1 percent of 8th graders have used inhalants. Additionally, nearly 21.7 million Americans ages 12 or older have misused inhalants at least once in their lives.2
Although inhalants are not as commonly abused as other addictive substances like heroin or methamphetamine, they are just as dangerous. Inhalant abuse can cause addiction, overdose, and may also increase a person’s risk of contracting HIV/AIDS or hepatitis, as many nitrates are used to improve sexual performance.
Since inhalant abuse is so common, many states in the U.S. regulate and restrict certain substances that may be misused. For example, the majority of states prohibit people under the age of 18 from purchasing certain inhalants, require a form of ID to purchase inhalants, and/or record inhalant purchases with a log. All these restrictions and regulations are designed to keep teens from experimenting with inhalants and suffering potentially deadly side effects as a result.
What Is a Whippet?
Whippets (sometimes also spelled whippits or whip-its) is a street name or slang term used to describe cartridges of nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is used medically to relieve pain and as a preservative and a propellant in whipped cream containers. When nitrous oxide is administered by a medical professional, it is completely safe to use. In fact, it’s frequently used during oral surgery.
However, nitrous oxide can produce euphoric effects so sometimes people misuse it to get high. Although it doesn’t affect the brain’s pleasure center the same way other addictive drugs do, it still causes a euphoric rush and a floating sensation.
Whippets are one of the most commonly abused inhalants in the U.S. and although many young people view whippets as being harmless, this is far from the truth. Not only can abusing whippets contribute to the development of a substance use disorder, but whippets can also cause serious organ damage, ultimately affecting your ability to think, move, breathe, see, and hear. Misusing whippets can also kill you by causing seizures, a coma, or sudden death associated with inhalant abuse.
Are Inhalants Addictive?
Research has indicated that inhalants can be addictive with long-term use.3 Long-term users report feeling a strong need to continue using inhalants and they often do so compulsively. Consistent, long-term inhalant abuse can also cause mild withdrawal symptoms in users, which may encourage continued use.
One survey of U.S. adults found that, on average, inhalant users also used other addictive drugs at a younger age and were more likely to have other substance use disorders later in life when compared to non-inhalant users.3
Street Names for Inhalants
Some common street names for inhalants include:
- Whippets
- Poppers
- Snappers
- Air blast
- Bold
- Chroming
- Discorama
- Glad
- Hippie crack
- Moon gas
- Oz
- Poor man’s pot
- Rush
- Whiteout4
Examples of Inhalants
Solvents |
Aerosols |
Gases |
Nitrites (often labeled as…) |
How Long Do Inhalants Stay in Your System?
Determining how long inhalants stay in your system isn’t as cut and dry as it is with other drugs like alcohol or marijuana. Unlike other addictive drugs, inhalants don’t show up on drug tests and can’t be detected in blood, urine, or hair. The high that is produced by these substances is felt almost instantly and only lasts a few minutes. As a result, it’s difficult to determine whether someone is abusing inhalants.
Instead of using drug tests to determine inhalant abuse, medical experts and addiction treatment professionals have to look for behavioral signs of inhalant abuse.
Signs of Inhalant Abuse and Overdose
Inhalant abuse can be very difficult to detect, but some common signs on inhalant abuse may include:
- A chemical smell on clothing or breath
- Consistent cough and runny nose
- Watery eyes and dilated pupils
- Hallucinating
- Empty containers or rags that have been hidden
- Severe mood swings
- Nausea and vomiting
- Appetite changes
- Weight loss
- Paint/stains on hands, face, or clothes
- Rash/blisters on the face4
A person may also overdose on inhalants if they use too much of the substance. Inhalant overdose can cause severe life-threatening reactions, such as:
- Seizures
- Coma
- Suffocation
- Sudden sniffing death syndrome (heart stops beating)
What Are the Side Effects of Inhalant Abuse?
Misusing inhalants comes with many harmful short-term and long-term side effects that can greatly affect a person’s quality of life.
Short-term side effects of inhalant abuse are those that can be felt immediately after use. These include:
- Apathy
- Impaired judgment
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Confusion
- Delirium
- Dizziness
- Drowsiness
- Slurred speech
- Lethargy
- Slowed reflexes
- Muscle weakness
- Stupor
- Increased heart rate
- A feeling of heat and excitement
Long-term side effects of chronic inhalant abuse can include:
- Weight loss
- Fatigue
- Electrolyte imbalance
- Permanent damage to the nervous system
- Liver damage
- Kidney damage
- Bone marrow damage
- Brain damage
- Vision loss
- Damage to hearing
- Tolerance
- Inhalant withdrawal symptoms
- Addiction
The side effects of inhalant abuse can be severe and should not be taken lightly. Studies suggest about 100 to 200 deaths per year can be attributed to inhalant misuse.5
What Are Inhalant Withdrawal Symptoms?
Inhalant withdrawal symptoms can occur if a person becomes addicted to these substances. This happens when a person develops a tolerance to the substance(s) and needs more to achieve the desired effects. Once the effects of the drug wear off, he or she may begin to feel withdrawal symptoms. Common inhalant withdrawal symptoms include:
- Strong cravings for inhalants
- Mood swings (depression, agitation, anxiety, etc.)
- Inability to concentrate
- Headaches
- Body aches and pains
- Increased appetite
- Insomnia
If you’re addicted to inhalants, quitting on your own may be difficult due to uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. In this case, an inhalant detox program can provide safe medical observation while you detox as well as medical treatment for complications, if necessary. Medical detox also provides clinical support for clients who are suffering from severe psychological withdrawal symptoms such as depression or anxiety.
Inhalant detox is a great first step to recovery. Not only will it help you get through the discomfort of inhalant withdrawal, but it will also help prepare you for inhalant rehab if you choose to continue your treatment with a rehab program.
How to Treat Inhalant Addiction
The first step to overcoming inhalant addiction is admitting that you have a problem. If you have a loved one who is addicted to inhalants, no one can take this first step for them. They must be ready to admit they have a problem and accept help for it by seeking out inhalant treatment.
Although there are currently no medications that can block the pleasurable effects of inhalants, researchers have found that a combination of behavioral therapy (talk therapy) and one-on-one sobriety support can be highly effective in helping people get sober. Ideally, this stage of inhalant treatment would occur immediately after inhalant detox.
Long-term drug rehab can provide individual and group therapy to help clients understand the cause of their addictive behaviors and learn how to make positive changes. Family members and loved ones are also heavily involved in the process during inhalant rehab and are encouraged to attend family counseling sessions and workshops to process shared issues that are related to the client’s addiction.
Relapse is always a possibility during or after inhalant rehab, but staying engaged in a long-term treatment program can help prevent and manage any relapse episodes. Continuing care programs for inhalant treatment like IOP, sober living, and aftercare are also helpful and supportive resources for people who are recovering from inhalant addiction.
Overcoming a substance use disorder takes time and professional treatment, but sustained sobriety is possible with the right support. If you are addicted and you need help, call (888) 571-2033 to learn more about inhalant rehab and other inhalant treatment options.
Nova Recovery Center offers a large range of substance abuse treatment services: detox, residential, outpatient and sober living.
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