Tag: ecstasy

Finding‌ ‌Hope‌ ‌In‌ ‌a‌ ‌Brand‌ ‌New‌ ‌Beginning‌ ‌

Finding‌ ‌Hope‌ ‌In‌ ‌a‌ ‌Brand‌ ‌New‌ ‌Beginning‌ ‌ stories addiction recovery

James Stewart was born on the East Coast but primarily grew up in Orange County, California. As a kid, he and his family moved around a lot, which was difficult at times but it afforded him many different opportunities and experiences. With the blessing of a supportive home and two loving parents, James describes his […]

Scheduling and Drug Classification Charts: Making Sense of Drugs

Scheduling and Drug Classification Charts: Making Sense of Drugs variety of drugs

Drug classification and scheduling systems are helpful ways for people of all backgrounds and professions to clearly distinguish the potential dangers of various drugs and prescription medications. But for those who don’t understand the classification system, it may just seem like a bunch of legal jargon and nonsense.

The Journey to Self-Discovery

The Journey to Self-Discovery stories addiction recovery

Hannah Miles never really felt comfortable in her own skin. She always felt the need to stay busy or do something, out of fear that she’d be alone with herself and her thoughts. Even at home, Hannah always felt different than everyone else, especially her family. She felt like an outcast but wasn’t quite sure […]

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