
Tag: anxiety

4 Types of Therapy for Addiction Recovery You Should Consider

4 Types of Therapy for Addiction Recovery You Should Consider 4 Types of Therapy for Addiction Recovery You Should Consider

There’s more to recovery from an addiction than just beating the cravings and avoiding triggers. Some form of therapy is a critical part of your recovery, both to relieve stress and help you move forward in life. When you have an addiction, stress and anxiety are common symptoms, which can make staying sober even harder. However, professional therapy can help you manage these issues, making it easier for you to maintain sobriety long-term. Here are some of the most commonly recommended types of therapy for those struggling with an addiction.

Tips for Finding Addiction Recovery Support Programs that Meet Your Needs

Tips for Finding Addiction Recovery Support Programs that Meet Your Needs Tips for Finding Addiction Recovery Support Programs that Meet Your Needs

Anyone who has recently left rehab knows that staying sober can be challenging at first. It might take a while before you feel comfortable with your new sobriety, but there are ways to help you get back on track again and establish good habits going forward. That’s why it’s important to have a recovery support program in place if you are in recovery from addiction. A recovery support program is designed specifically for people who are trying to overcome drug addiction and recover from their past habits safely and effectively. With these programs, people in recovery learn coping skills and healthy ways of thinking so they can rebuild their lives outside of their addictions.

How to Identify Common Behavior Patterns in Relationships Involving Addiction

How to Identify Common Behavior Patterns in Relationships Involving Addiction How to Identify Common Behavior Patterns in Relationships Involving Addiction

All illnesses have associated indicators and patterns of behavior that can differ among conditions. These indications can have an effect on an individual’s emotional, physical, and interpersonal wellness. Addiction is one such affliction that often entails typical behaviors in social connections that one can identify. But it’s important to know what to look for. You’ll notice a change in a person’s overall behavior when these signs begin to appear. After all, these will likely be new behaviors not previously exhibited by the addicted individual.

A Study on the Effects of Addiction on Mental Illness

A Study on the Effects of Addiction on Mental Illness A Study on the Effects of Addiction on Mental Illness

Addiction is a common and widespread problem today. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 18.5 million Americans struggle with addiction at any given time. This means that roughly one in every 13 people in this country has an addiction problem. If you or someone close to you has an addiction, then you might be able to relate to the effects of mental illness on addiction even more than before. Many people assume that having an addiction automatically means that they have a mental illness as well – but does that really have anything to do with the two being connected? In this article, we will explore how addiction can exacerbate mental illness, and what you can do about it if you’re struggling with both simultaneously.

13 Natural Ways to Manage Depression in Recovery

13 Natural Ways to Manage Depression in Recovery woman painting to reduce her stress

This podcast is all about sharing positive advice and wisdom for daily life in recovery. In this episode, I’m going to talk a little bit about depression, how it relates to addiction recovery, and 13 natural ways to find some relief.

Globally, more than 300 million people suffer from depression and it is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Depression can severely affect a person’s emotional and physical health, causing feelings of emptiness and sadness, insomnia, weight fluctuations, cognitive problems, fatigue, weakened immune system, and at its worst, suicide.

Most people in recovery are very familiar with the effects of depression because depression and substance abuse frequently co-exist. People often abuse drugs or alcohol to escape their sadness, but substance abuse can also cause depression. The cycle of depression and substance abuse often continues endlessly.

Many people turn to antidepressants to combat depression, however, prescription drugs may not always be the best choice for someone with a history of addiction. Fortunately, there are many “natural” non-medicated ways to combat depression if you’re in recovery.

Here are 13 natural ways to manage depression in recovery.
1. Establish and maintain a daily routine.
2. Set daily goals.
3. Volunteer.
4. Try aromatherapy.
5. Make some dietary changes.
6. Get moving.
7. Catch some rays.
8. Consider getting a pet.
9. Stay involved with your community support group.
10. Make music a part of your daily life.
11. Practice meditation or yoga for a few minutes each day.
12. Do something new.
13. Prioritize fun.

8 Hobbies That Can Reduce Anxiety

8 Hobbies That Can Reduce Anxiety woman painting to reduce her stress

This podcast is all about sharing positive advice and wisdom for daily life in recovery. In this episode, I’m going to share 8 hobbies that can help reduce anxiety.

Overall, researchers estimate that about 20 percent of people who suffer from addiction are also plagued by an anxiety disorder. Some studies estimate that this rate may even be as high as 50 percent among people who are suffering from trauma.

Unfortunately, anxiety doesn’t just disappear once you get sober. In fact, experiences in early recovery often cause an increase in anxiety, making it more difficult for people in recovery to stay sober. Running into old acquaintances who still use drugs, walking past a bar you used to go to frequently, being bored, or even just thinking about taking on a difficult day without a drink can cause feelings of anxiety to flare up.

Although anxiety may be a serious issue for you, there are several different hobbies that may help you develop a new sense of “normal” in your life as you adjust to sobriety.

#1. Playing a musical instrument
#2. Art and coloring
#3. Sports
#4. Gardening
#5. Yoga or Tai Chi
#6. Writing
#7. Knitting or Crocheting
#8. Volunteering with animals

9 Alternatives to Antidepressants

9 Alternatives to Antidepressants women doing yoga in a field

Depression is a common issue that many Americans face. 16.1 million U.S. adults struggle with depression, which is the leading cause of disability worldwide.1 Many people with depression also have co-occurring disorders like substance abuse problems or sleep disorders that can increase the negative symptoms of both and make recovery very difficult. While only about […]

4 Tips for Social Anxiety in Recovery

4 Tips for Social Anxiety in Recovery 4 Tips for Social Anxiety in Recovery

This podcast is all about sharing positive advice and wisdom for daily life in recovery, and today we’re going to talk about social anxiety.

If you’re here with me right now, you’re probably in recovery and you have either been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder or you struggle with feelings of anxiousness in social situations.

First of all, I want you to know that you’re not alone. Social anxiety is a very common challenge for people in recovery. Maybe, like a lot of other people, you used alcohol as a tool to deal with things, but when it was removed, you were left with nothing but raw emotions and nerves.

Social anxiety is hard, but it doesn’t have to hinder your sobriety or your social life. You can learn how to develop a healthy and thriving social life in recovery. In this episode, I’m going to share four simple tips that you can start using today to learn how to cope with social anxiety and improve your daily life in recovery.

If you’re here with me right now, you’re probably in recovery and you have either been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder or you struggle with feelings of anxiousness in social situations.

1. Consider going to therapy.
2. Practice relaxing with deep breathing exercises and meditation.
3. Avoid social situations that revolve around alcohol.
4. Accept your personal imperfections.

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