Texas Opioid Overdoses are Increasing

Texas Opioid Overdoses are Increasing texas flag

According to recent news reports from Houston Public Media, opioid overdose deaths in Texas have been rising at a rate of about ten percent a year since 2014.1 As other states across the U.S. also grapple with increasing opioid overdose deaths, the need for high-quality addiction treatment continues to be high. Surprisingly, new data released […]

Bath Salts: Innocent Name, Terrifying Effects

Bath Salts: Innocent Name, Terrifying Effects bath salts addiction

Bath salts (not to be confused with Epsom salts) are designer drugs with a very misleading name. These synthetic drugs have been the cause of many disturbing news headlines over the past several years, detailing incidents involving bath salts abusers behaving in disturbing, paranoid, and downright dangerous ways.

6 Common Myths About Addiction

6 Common Myths About Addiction addiction myths

The concept of addiction is clouded with many misconceptions and assumptions, making it difficult for friends and family members to truly understand what an addicted loved one is going through. There are countless myths floating around about drug abuse, addiction, and alcoholism, but here are just a few of the most common myths and misconceptions.

Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Relapse with Long-Term Rehab

Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Relapse with Long-Term Rehab Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Relapse with Long-Term Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Let’s pretend for a moment that you’re an alcoholic. Your wife left you and took the kids with her, your family members don’t really talk to you or associate with you anymore, and your only friends are the bottles of liquor that you keep in your kitchen cabinets. One day you decided you were tired […]

From Abandonment and Shame to Hope and Acceptance

From Abandonment and Shame to Hope and Acceptance Stories Of Addiction Recovery

James Frazer struggled with feelings of abandonment, low self-esteem, and social rejection early in life. In his mind, everyone else had it better than he did, and his lot in life was just never going to be as good as everyone else’s. His parents divorced at a very young age and his mother sent him […]

What Is The Addiction Treatment Process?

What Is The Addiction Treatment Process? addiction treatment process graphic

The journey from addiction to sobriety is a complex one, with many different winding roads, hills, and valleys, and maybe even a few U-turns along the way too. Giving up drugs and alcohol is a life-changing decision that requires commitment and hard work, and for many, getting started is the hardest part. Perhaps you’ve been […]

21 Must-Know Drug Overdose Facts

21 Must-Know Drug Overdose Facts international overdose awareness day

About National Overdose Awareness Day International Overdose Awareness Day originated in Australia and has since expanded to become a global initiative. It is observed on August 31 and is a campaign aimed at educating the public on the facts and statistics surrounding drug overdose, reducing stigma of drug overdose deaths, and encouraging preventative treatment, activities, […]

An In-Depth Overview of Drug Use and Co-Occurring Disorders

An In-Depth Overview of Drug Use and Co-Occurring Disorders understanding co occurring disorders

About 7.9 million adults in the United States suffered from co-occurring disorders in 2014, according to the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health publDrug Use and Co-Occurring Disorders: Most Common Co-Occurring Disorders with Addictionished by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.1 Unfortunately, since co-occurring disorders are often very complex, many individuals […]

The Rise Of Salvia

The recreational abuse of salvia is gaining popularity, but the long-term side effects and addictive qualities of the drug are still largely unknown. Despite all the unanswered questions about this substance, here is what we do know and why recreational abuse of salvia is potentially dangerous and life-threatening.

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