Core Emotional Addiction (CEA) Model
Tools for Emotional Sobriety and Lasting Recovery
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Nova Recovery Center is licensed by the Center for Heart-Mind Coherence in the application of the Core Emotional Addiction (CEA) Model. We use this clinical treatment method alongside other complementary evidence-based therapies to help our clients sustain their recovery and prevent relapse as they adjust to a new lifestyle of sobriety.
What is the CEA Model?
The Core Emotional Addiction (CEA) Model is a clinical modality designed to develop and enhance emotional sobriety for a sustained and thriving recovery. The CEA Model empowers clients to investigate and discover their negative and positive imprints and the relation to the core emotional addictions. In the CEA Model, clients look at their addictions to emotional states of Power Control, Security, Suffering and Sensation (which is the closest emotional addiction to drug addiction and alcoholism).
As part of the CEA Model, beliefs are imprinted in the brain creating neurological pathways fueled by belief systems and intensity of experience. Science has produced evidence that new neuropathways can be created because of neuroplasticity. The brain can be remapped.
CEA Model for Addiction Treatment
The CEA Model is ideally suited for addiction treatment because it provides individuals with a deeper understanding of the roots that possibly contribute to their substance abuse and equips each client with the tools they need to manage volatile and harmful emotions that can lead to relapse.
When applied during addiction treatment, the CEA Model teaches clients how to rely on authentic personal strengths and implement awareness and intention to establish a secure and emotionally mature foundation in recovery. Ideally, this foundation is rooted in a thorough understanding of one’s positive and negative imprints, emotional and mental clarity, and personal confidence.
How We Use the CEA Model at Nova Recovery Center
Throughout the addiction treatment process, certified Nova clinicians use the CEA Model to guide clients through the following steps, which promote personal healing and growth in recovery:
- Identify the negative and positive personal beliefs that have been inherited from family, society, or social institutions/organizations
- Acknowledge the core emotional addictions that have formed as a result of the negative personal beliefs
- Integrate daily mindful tools to overcome core emotional addictions and rely upon positive personal beliefs and strengths to cultivate healthy behaviors and thoughts
Throughout this process, certified clinicians may also lead clients in breathing techniques that will help them become more aware of their present emotional state, accept those emotions, and practice emotional regulation.
Our CEA-Certified Staff
Nova is licensed by the Center for Heart-Mind Coherence in the application of the Core Emotional Addiction (CEA) Model. All clinicians at Nova undergo certification in the CEA model.
John Olrech Program Director, CEA Certified
Cary English, LCDCI Counselor Intern, CEA Certified
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What Makes Us Different
- Gender-specific treatment
- Evidenced-based treatment
- 12-Step immersion
- 90-day residential treatment
- Family program
- Full continuum of care
- Insurance and private pay
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Nova Recovery Center is dedicated to helping you or your loved one get help. Please call or fill out this form for a confidential consultation. One of our understanding, dedicated advisors will contact you about your options. Begin healing today.