International Day Against Drug Abuse: What You Should Know

Last Updated on October 23, 2023

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The use and illicit trafficking of illicit drugs cause major problems all over the globe. Lives are cut short by preventable accidents, sickness, and disease. Innocent people are killed or harmed in an effort to continually distribute illicit and addictive substances, and corruption continues to enable organized crime all around the world.

Whether we believe that an international society free of drug abuse is possible, a global effort must be made to achieve any such goal, as 230 million people are using illicit drugs worldwide.1 Preventing global drug abuse is the primary purpose behind the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

What Is International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking?

In December of 1987, the General Assembly of the United Nations committed to observing June 26 as International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. This decision was made in an effort to raise awareness of the major problems that illicit drugs cause to society and to strengthen worldwide cooperation and efforts to achieve a global community that is free of drug abuse.2

Every year, community members and organizations across the globe participate in events and informational campaigns to raise awareness and increase efforts to prevent drug abuse and trafficking in communities around the world. Last year’s theme was “Listen First,” emphasizing the importance of investing in the well-being of children and listening to the thoughts and concerns of youth to help them grow healthy and safe.

Why Is it Important?

Even if you are not personally addicted to drugs and alcohol, the scope of the damage that illicit drug use and trafficking cause affects everyone. There are many aspects of personal health and wellness that are damaged by drug abuse.3 They include:

  • Physical problems – Addicted drug abusers suffer from uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, side effects, illnesses, and diseases as a result of their drug abuse.
  • Psychological problems – Drug abusers are also often malnourished and sleep-deprived, which can cause mood swings, anxiety, depression, and other psychological and behavioral problems. This can also increase a person’s risk for addiction.
  • Social problems – Drug abusers frequently isolate themselves from friends and family or engage in violent or criminal behaviors. They may also lie and steal to support their drug abusing habits. All of these things create riffs in relationships and damage families.

Not only do individuals suffer personal losses as a result of drug abuse, but it is also an economic burden, costing the United States more than $740 billion annually in costs related to crime, lost work productivity, and health care.4

By observing International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking each year, we are making it a priority to fight global drug abuse and lessen the damage it causes personally and economically.

How Does This Affect Me?

If you are struggling with a substance abuse problem, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. Many people suffer from addiction and lots of them overcome it and go on to live sober lives. There is no easy solution to addiction recovery, but a long-term rehab program can provide the life skills, relapse prevention tools, behavioral therapy, and peer support you will need to fully recover from your addiction.

On the other hand, if drug addiction is affecting the life of a spouse, child, friend, or another relative, the impact and damage of the drug abuse has no doubt affected you too. You may be able to help your loved one achieve sobriety by talking to them about their addiction. Whether you have a one-on-one conversation or plan an intervention and recommend detox and/or drug rehab program, bringing the problem to light is the first step to helping a loved one recover.

What Should I Know About Drug Abuse and Addiction Treatment?

It’s important to know that drug abuse and addiction is not something you can overcome in a matter of days or even weeks. It will take months or even years to learn how to successfully live sober and it will require a lot of hard work.

Thirty-day drug and alcohol rehab programs simply do not provide enough time to grasp recovery concepts and also implement major behavioral and life changes. That’s why Nova Recovery Center exists. We specialize in helping individuals who have tried over and over again to get sober and have failed.

Our individualized drug rehab programs are designed to meet the specific needs of each client and provide an adequate amount of time and support for them to fully recover and start successfully living a life of sobriety. With a 90-day rehab program and a full continuum of care that carries each client from detox and inpatient rehab to transitional housing, our goal is to help every client learn how to thrive in an independent life of sobriety.

Just because one form of treatment at a drug rehab center didn’t work for you, doesn’t mean all drug and alcohol rehab programs will fail. Contact Nova Recovery Center today to learn about what makes us different and how we can help you or your loved one recover from active addiction.


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