What Is Online Drug Rehab?

Last Updated on December 11, 2020

online rehab session

The internet plays an important role in our daily lives. Most of us pay our bills online, communicate with coworkers, friends, and family, raise money for important causes, attend classes, and even date using the internet.

Not surprisingly, addiction treatment is yet another service that can be provided online. While face-to-face drug detox and rehab still play an important and essential role in the recovery process, online rehab can be a complementary service to programs like sober living and aftercare to help clients sustain their sobriety. It is also extremely beneficial for people who cannot travel to attend treatment at a rehab center.

What Is Online Rehab?

Online rehab is an addiction treatment program or service that is provided through an online platform, such as Skype or video conferencing software. Online alcohol and drug counseling can take place one-on-one or it can be formatted in group settings. Many online drug treatment programs offer flexible schedules, 24/7 support, and interactive video sessions to enhance the online treatment experience.

Just like a traditional drug rehab program, online rehab uses a variety of behavioral approaches to provide clients with the skills and tools necessary to sustain a sober lifestyle. Reputable online programs are taught by licensed and certified addiction treatment professionals and are provided through licensed addiction treatment centers.

Online addiction treatment programs should not replace face-to-face treatment. Instead, they are designed to supplement in-person treatment and provide flexible ongoing support and care as needed. In short, when online rehab is used as part of a comprehensive, personalized treatment plan, it serves an essential and effective function in the recovery process.

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What Are the Benefits of Online Addiction Treatment?

If you’re hesitant about enrolling in online addiction treatment or recommending it to a loved one, here are some of the main benefits to consider.

  • Convenience – Online rehab gives clients the ability to attend treatment from anywhere they have internet access. It also offers flexible schedules so clients can continue working and going to school while they complete treatment. This can also alleviate any fear of losing one’s job due to an extended absence.
  • Privacy – Online addiction treatment affords enhanced privacy since clients are not required to leave their homes to attend treatment. And just as with face-to-face treatment, staff members adhere to HIPAA regulations at all times to protect clients’ personal information and rights to privacy.
  • Treatment from trained experts – Reputable online addiction treatment programs offer treatment from trained experts who are licensed and certified to provide drug counseling services. Clients can rest assured that the person on the other side of the screen is providing adequate, accurate, and evidence-based treatment.
  • Social support – Although online treatment doesn’t provide the same face-to-face interaction with treatment professionals and sober peers, it still offers regular interaction with an online recovery community, which is extremely important. Interactive online group sessions offer many opportunities to engage in meaningful conversation, share thoughts and opinions, provide encouragement to peers, and receive wise counsel related to sobriety.

What Are Some Potential Challenges of Online Rehab?

As with traditional face-to-face addiction treatment, some clients may face challenges related to online rehab.

  • Lack of internet access – Clients who do not have consistent and reliable internet access will struggle to attend online addiction treatment sessions.
  • Not “showing up” for group sessions– Some individuals may have difficulties committing to regular group sessions and lack the discipline and support necessary to engage regularly on their own.
  • Individual preferences – For some people, not having regular face-to-face engagement with treatment professionals and sober peers may be discouraging. In some cases, it may not provide enough structure to keep the individual actively engaged in the treatment process.
  • Individual treatment needs – Some clients may need more intensive care than can be offered online. For example, clients with co-occurring disorders and/or severe addictions are likely to need additional care and more extensive treatment services at a rehab center.

What Kind of Online Drug Treatment Programs Are Available?

Today, there are many different types of online drug counseling and addiction treatment programs for people in recovery. Examples include:

  • Online IOP – This type of online drug rehab offers intensive outpatient treatment, which is ideal for people who have already completed detox and a residential rehab program.
  • Self-directed online substance abuse treatment – This type of online addiction treatment program typically provides downloadable interactive workbooks or videos. However, it may not be the best option for someone who requires more structure and support.
  • Online recovery support groups – Although they are not formal treatment, online recovery support groups can provide peer support and regular engagement with a sober support system. Common examples include 12-Step Fellowships, LifeRing, and Secular Organizations for Sobriety. Many other recovery support groups may also offer online meetings for those who are unable to attend in person.

Is Online IOP a Good Fit For Me?

Online IOP may be a good fit for you if:

  • You live in a remote area far from any treatment centers.
  • You would find it difficult to commute to treatment several times a week.
  • You travel frequently for work.
  • You prefer to attend IOP remotely.

There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing a drug rehab program, but the best way to determine if online IOP is a good fit for you is to talk to an addiction treatment professional.

A certified substance abuse treatment specialist will be able to accurately determine your treatment needs and provide substantial recommendations for treatment. He or she will also be able to establish an individualized comprehensive treatment plan for you that will help you achieve your sobriety goals and sustain your recovery long-term.

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Does Insurance Cover Online Rehab?

In many cases, health insurance benefits will cover online addiction treatment, but coverage varies depending on the insurance policy. If you want to know if your insurance will cover online rehab, call (512) 605-2955 to verify your insurance benefits with Nova Recovery Center today. We can also assist to help you use your insurance to pay for residential rehab if you decide to do that instead. Our insurance verification process is completely confidential, free, and only takes a few minutes over the phone.

Learn More About Online Drug Rehab

Our online IOP is an eight-week program.
Group sessions occur on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9-12pm or 6-9pm CST.
Each three-hour group session is broadcast from a licensed Texas facility and led by a licensed professional counselor.
Our online group sessions are fully interactive, rather than pre-recorded videos.

If you are interested in learning more about online drug rehab or our online IOP program at Nova Recovery Center, please call (512) 605-2955 to speak with an admissions representative today.

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