Addiction Among Medical Professionals

Addiction Among Medical Professionals addiction among medical professionals

Addiction among medical professionals is common. Healthcare professionals like doctors, nurses, and technicians have challenging jobs and often suffer from side effects like sleep deprivation and extreme stress due to consistent exposure to death or trauma. Like many others who work outside of the healthcare industry, doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals may turn to alcohol or drugs to self-medicate and cope. 

Signs You’ve Hit Rock Bottom Due to Addiction

Signs You’ve Hit Rock Bottom Due to Addiction hitting rock bottom

For some people, occasional drug and alcohol abuse can escalate into full dependence, and then suddenly, nothing is more important than getting high or drunk. Although addicted individuals often make excuses for why they don’t need treatment, hitting rock bottom is often the end of the line and forces them to take action.

How Does Alcohol and Drug Use Influence Suicidal Behaviors?

How Does Alcohol and Drug Use Influence Suicidal Behaviors? substance abuse and suicide

Addiction, depression, and suicide are all very closely related. People who suffer from severe depression and other mental health issues often engage in risky behaviors or turn to drugs and alcohol to numb their negative feelings. However, chronic alcohol or drug abuse also produces toxic side effects, including mental health issues like anxiety and depression. As a person continues to use alcohol or drugs to cope with depression, they’re likely to experience depressive episodes more often, increasing feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Texas Drug Laws: What Happens If You Get Charged With Possession in Texas?

Drug laws vary from state to state, but in Texas, drug possession is a serious offense that could potentially land you in jail. If you are caught with controlled substances or driving under the influence in Texas, you could go to jail for a long time. That said, depending on the charges and your criminal […]

Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence: A Toxic Duo

Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence: A Toxic Duo woman suffering from domestic abuse

Domestic violence occurs in several different ways and can have negative consequences to both the victim and the abuser. Many victims of domestic violence also struggle with substance abuse issues and addiction, which can complicate their ability and willingness to get help.

Bath Salts: Innocent Name, Terrifying Effects

Bath Salts: Innocent Name, Terrifying Effects bath salts addiction

Bath salts (not to be confused with Epsom salts) are designer drugs with a very misleading name. These synthetic drugs have been the cause of many disturbing news headlines over the past several years, detailing incidents involving bath salts abusers behaving in disturbing, paranoid, and downright dangerous ways.

Do I Need Drug and Alcohol Rehab?

Do I Need Drug and Alcohol Rehab? Do I need drug and alcohol rehab?

It can be very difficult to admit there is a substance abuse problem in our own lives or the lives of others close to us, but recognizing the problem is the first step to recovery. If you are concerned that you or someone you love may need professional addiction treatment, here are some important signs to look for, as well as more information on treatment options and how to get started.

How Teen Drug Abuse Affects your Family

How Teen Drug Abuse Affects your Family teen drug abuse

Drug abuse affects your family in ways that are harmful and damaging, but your teen isn’t abusing drugs out of malice. Addiction is a disease that compels them to seek out and take drugs, despite the negative consequences. Once a teenager is addicted to drugs, the brain and body have undergone changes that make it hard to stop. The disease then spreads to the rest of the family because it’s a system of closely related parts. Once one part is affected, all are affected.

Getting High: Unusual Methods of Substance Abuse

Getting High: Unusual Methods of Substance Abuse unusual methods of getting high

Many cases of drug abuse involve prescription medications or well-known street drugs like heroin or cocaine. While these might be the most common ways people attempt to get high, many other methods exist. You may have heard of a few of these unusual drug alternatives, but others might surprise you. In this article, we’ll look […]

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