Tag: stages of change

5 Stages of Change in Addiction—How to Recognize and Address Them

5 Stages of Change in Addiction—How to Recognize and Address Them 5 Stages of Change in Addiction—How to Recognize and Address Them

Stages of Change is a commonly-used framework that helps people understand the different factors that can influence someone to change their behavior. It consists of five stages, each of which offers a specific opportunity to help someone grow and make positive lifestyle changes.
The Stages of Change model was originally developed by Dr. Arnold Relph, an American psychiatrist and now it’s often used in addiction treatment programs around the world. If you’re ready to take action and get help for your substance use, then read on! This article will help you gain a better understanding of the stages of change in addictions, tips for getting started, and what to expect if you choose to make a change for the better.

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