Tag: sleep aid medications

Can You Die from Sleeping Pills?

Can You Die from Sleeping Pills? woman taking sleeping pills

Approximately 9 million Americans (4 percent of adults in the U.S.) use prescription sleep aids to get a good night’s rest.1 But are these drugs safe? In 2019, following 20 reported deaths and 46 serious injuries caused by these drugs, the FDA mandated that certain sleep aid drugs include black-box warnings, which call attention to […]

Are Sleep Aid Medications Gateway Drugs?

Are Sleep Aid Medications Gateway Drugs? sleep aid medications

According to a 2017 review published in the journal The Gerontologist, about 1 in 5 adults use an over-the-counter sleep aid medication to get some shut eye.1 While the study cited Benadryl as being one of the most commonly used sleep-inducing drugs (even though it’s actually intended to treat allergy symptoms), the long-term use and […]

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