Tag: relapse prevention

How Addiction Monitoring Program Helps in Prevention of Relapse

How Addiction Monitoring Program Helps in Prevention of Relapse

For anyone going through de-addiction, it is very hard to go through the relapse phase. This is when your mind and body are split up, with your mind trying to control your habit, while your body trying to get back into it.

The Ultimate Holiday Survival Guide

The Ultimate Holiday Survival Guide Holiday Survival Guide

If this will be the first holiday season you’ve spent sober, you can expect to feel a lot of different emotions. Perhaps you’re proud of the progress you’ve made. Maybe you’re scared by the thought of a sober holiday. Or maybe you just feel thankful to be where you are. Whatever you’re feeling right now, […]

6 Important Things No One Tells You About Addiction

6 Important Things No One Tells You About Addiction rehab group session

Substance use disorder is a complex issue and negative social stigma often keeps people from sharing their life experiences involving addiction. Throughout the treatment process, people in recovery work hard to explore the causes of their substance abuse and strategies for preventing relapse. During this process, they learn many things about addiction that could have […]

Can I Go To Rehab While On Probation or Parole?

Can I Go To Rehab While On Probation or Parole? inmate in a cell

The legal consequences of drug abuse can vary greatly, but most often, drug offenders are sentenced with hefty fines, probation, or are sent to jail immediately, especially if they have a history of prior arrests. However, going to rehab while on probation can be extremely beneficial, and for individuals on parole, it may even be […]

Holiday Lapse: How to Avoid Relapse and Bounce Back from a Slip

Holiday Lapse: How to Avoid Relapse and Bounce Back from a Slip woman who just relapsed

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, between 40 and 60 percent of people who are in recovery will relapse, a testament to just how difficult maintaining sobriety can be.1 Relapse is not considered to be the catastrophe it once was, and it’s not an indication that treatment was unsuccessful. In fact, relapse is […]

7 Common Challenges People Face in Addiction Recovery

7 Common Challenges People Face in Addiction Recovery woman depressed avoiding relapse

Successfully completing a drug and alcohol rehab program and re-entering society as a sober individual does not come without its own unique challenges. Maybe your loved one is in rehab and you want to understand what he or she may be experiencing. Or maybe you’re considering enrolling in a rehab program yourself, but your fears […]

5 Key Components of a Relapse Prevention Plan

5 Key Components of a Relapse Prevention Plan 5 Key Components of a Relapse Prevention Plan

A relapse can’t be contained to one single event. It is an ongoing process that is experienced by a person in recovery and marked by significant red flags or warning signs. These warning signs can cause a person to return to their drug or alcohol abuse. A relapse prevention plan is a great tool that can be used to recognize and manage the warning signs of relapse and sustain a healthy, sober lifestyle.

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