Tag: recoverymilestones

The Importance of Sober Friendships in Recovery

The Importance of Sober Friendships in Recovery

According to a 2020 study by health insurer Cigna, loneliness can be a common challenge for three out of five Americans, and this can be particularly true of those who are in the early stages of sobriety[1]. Many people may find themselves in a kind of limbo – having made the decision to cut ties with […]

How Celebrating Recovery Milestones can Increase Motivation

How Celebrating Recovery Milestones can Increase Motivation Woman with confetti celebrating recovery

Achieving and maintaining sobriety requires motivation, determination, and self-accountability. Although those who have never been down the path to sobriety may not realize what a difficult process it can be, fighting addiction is at times an uphill battle, with an estimated 40-60% of those in recovery experiencing a relapse at some point along the way[1]. […]

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