Tag: Prescription Drug Abuse

Back to School: Adderall Abuse Among College Students

Back to School: Adderall Abuse Among College Students Back to School - Adderall can help you focus for studying, but is the risk of addiction worth it?

It’s back to school time again, which means cramped dorm living, mountains of coursework, and strict professors. Let’s face it, college comes with a lot of stress and responsibility with not much in the way of leniency for failure. Relying on caffeine and Adderall to finish up a paper due at midnight might seem like a harmless option as long as it doesn’t become a habit. But Adderall is an amphetamine that can be highly addictive if used improperly. 

Child Opioid Overdoses Have Nearly Doubled Since 2004

Child Opioid Overdoses Have Nearly Doubled Since 2004 Child Opioid Overdoses Have Nearly Doubled Since 2004

A study published this month in the journal Pediatrics highlighted a disturbing trend of increasing child opioid hospitalizations. According to the study, child hospitalizations due to opioid overdoses nearly doubled between 2004 and 2015, the majority of which were for children ages 12 to 17. One-third of the opioid hospitalizations were for children under the […]

Full Surrender

Full Surrender stories addiction recovery

Adam Tucker’s story of addiction starts in the quiet lake community of Frederick, Maryland, just an hour west of Baltimore. Born in Washington D.C. to two loving parents, Adam describes his upbringing as relatively peaceful and enjoyable. “I never experienced any trauma; there was never any abuse,” he says. “I was a pretty privileged kid […]

How Does Prescription Drug Abuse Lead to Heroin Addiction?

How Does Prescription Drug Abuse Lead to Heroin Addiction? prescription drugs at a pharmacy

The rise in prescription drug abuse has created an unexpected trend, a rise in the use of the opioid drug heroin. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 1 in 15 people who abuse prescription pain relievers will try heroin within ten years.1

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