Tag: overdose

Back to School: Adderall Abuse Among College Students

Back to School: Adderall Abuse Among College Students Back to School - Adderall can help you focus for studying, but is the risk of addiction worth it?

It’s back to school time again, which means cramped dorm living, mountains of coursework, and strict professors. Let’s face it, college comes with a lot of stress and responsibility with not much in the way of leniency for failure. Relying on caffeine and Adderall to finish up a paper due at midnight might seem like a harmless option as long as it doesn’t become a habit. But Adderall is an amphetamine that can be highly addictive if used improperly. 

Heroin: An Element of Death

Heroin: An Element of Death

Heroin is a poison that is procured from morphine. It was originally created in 1874 by the pharmacist C. R. Alder Wright and was used to help ease relief for those who are in pain or had difficulty sleeping. Heroin is classified as an opiate, which means it may have effects similar to morphine or codeine because it contains molecules that bind to molecules found on cells throughout the body called opioid receptors, which can create feelings of pleasure and relaxation

The Invisible Dangers of Fentanyl-Laced Drugs: Heroin

The Invisible Dangers of Fentanyl-Laced Drugs: Heroin Syringe and spoon with heroin

Heroin has been the most popular illicit opioid for recreational use for decades, but fentanyl is relatively new in illicit markets, and it has made a huge impact in the last few years. You may already be aware that heroin overdoses and deaths are on the rise around the country, but that only tells part of the […]

The Invisible Dangers of Fentanyl-Laced Drugs: Meth

The Invisible Dangers of Fentanyl-Laced Drugs: Meth Man mixing unknown chemicals into beakers.

The rate of accidental, often fatal overdoses involving fentanyl-laced street drugs has increased significantly in recent years with stimulants such as methamphetamine accounting for the large majority of new cases being reported. Each drug has long been considered extremely addictive and deadly in its own right; however, a random sampling study of meth seized by […]

9 Alternatives to Antidepressants

9 Alternatives to Antidepressants women doing yoga in a field

Depression is a common issue that many Americans face. 16.1 million U.S. adults struggle with depression, which is the leading cause of disability worldwide.1 Many people with depression also have co-occurring disorders like substance abuse problems or sleep disorders that can increase the negative symptoms of both and make recovery very difficult. While only about […]

Can You Die from Sleeping Pills?

Can You Die from Sleeping Pills? woman taking sleeping pills

Approximately 9 million Americans (4 percent of adults in the U.S.) use prescription sleep aids to get a good night’s rest.1 But are these drugs safe? In 2019, following 20 reported deaths and 46 serious injuries caused by these drugs, the FDA mandated that certain sleep aid drugs include black-box warnings, which call attention to […]

Kratom Has Been Linked to More Deaths Than We Previously Thought

Kratom Has Been Linked to More Deaths Than We Previously Thought kratom addiction

A recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that kratom is linked to more overdose deaths than previously thought. Previously, kratom was linked to 44 overdose deaths nationwide. However, this recent report from the CDC found kratom was the cause of 91 overdose deaths in 27 states.1

Texas Overdose Deaths Have Nearly Tripled in the Last 18 Years

Texas Overdose Deaths Have Nearly Tripled in the Last 18 Years texas flag

The entire U.S. is facing an ongoing opioid crisis, and Texas is no exception. Although the Lone Star State isn’t typically known for being a hotspot for opioid overdoses, recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) prove the face of the substance abuse problem in Texas is changing.

Ready to Get Sober? 5 Reasons Not to Wait Until After the Holidays

Ready to Get Sober? 5 Reasons Not to Wait Until After the Holidays calendar

The holiday season is a joyous and eventful time that many people look forward to. If your addiction has reared it’s ugly head and you’re finally ready to get help, the thought of missing out on the holiday fun may be a major deterrent. Although it may be easier to shelve the idea of going […]

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