Tag: holidays

How Should Families Deal with Addiction During the Holidays?

How Should Families Deal with Addiction During the Holidays? How Should Families Deal with Addiction During the Holidays?

Life with an addicted family member can be stressful and chaotic, but during the holidays, this can sometimes be magnified. Enjoying the holiday season may seem impossible when you’re bombarded by feelings of frustration, disappointment, or dread, especially if your addicted loved one is out of control. Even if he or she is just beginning […]

The Ultimate Holiday Survival Guide

The Ultimate Holiday Survival Guide Holiday Survival Guide

If this will be the first holiday season you’ve spent sober, you can expect to feel a lot of different emotions. Perhaps you’re proud of the progress you’ve made. Maybe you’re scared by the thought of a sober holiday. Or maybe you just feel thankful to be where you are. Whatever you’re feeling right now, […]

Ready to Get Sober? 5 Reasons Not to Wait Until After the Holidays

Ready to Get Sober? 5 Reasons Not to Wait Until After the Holidays calendar

The holiday season is a joyous and eventful time that many people look forward to. If your addiction has reared it’s ugly head and you’re finally ready to get help, the thought of missing out on the holiday fun may be a major deterrent. Although it may be easier to shelve the idea of going […]

Holiday Lapse: How to Avoid Relapse and Bounce Back from a Slip

Holiday Lapse: How to Avoid Relapse and Bounce Back from a Slip woman who just relapsed

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, between 40 and 60 percent of people who are in recovery will relapse, a testament to just how difficult maintaining sobriety can be.1 Relapse is not considered to be the catastrophe it once was, and it’s not an indication that treatment was unsuccessful. In fact, relapse is […]

5 Reasons Why Spending Holidays in Rehab is Right

5 Reasons Why Spending Holidays in Rehab is Right Spending the Holidays in Rehab

Spending the holidays in rehab away from your family may sound extremely unappealing—and understandably so. For many people, the holidays are spent in a group environment, celebrating with special activities, parties, and games. There are always plenty of food, drinks, and fun to be had, and it’s a great time to catch up with family […]

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