Tag: family

How Should Families Deal with Addiction During the Holidays?

How Should Families Deal with Addiction During the Holidays? How Should Families Deal with Addiction During the Holidays?

Life with an addicted family member can be stressful and chaotic, but during the holidays, this can sometimes be magnified. Enjoying the holiday season may seem impossible when you’re bombarded by feelings of frustration, disappointment, or dread, especially if your addicted loved one is out of control. Even if he or she is just beginning […]

How Addiction Affects Children

How Addiction Affects Children children suffering from their parents drug abuse

Updated on August 24th, 2020 How Common Is Substance Abuse in Families? Did you know one in five children live in a home with parental substance abuse?1 As a result, many of these children suffer psychologically, physically, and emotionally for years. Drug abuse interferes with a parent’s ability to care for their children and provide […]

7 Unhealthy Ways Families Cope With Addiction

7 Unhealthy Ways Families Cope With Addiction 7 Unhealthy Ways Families Cope With Addiction

Addiction impacts every aspect of the family dynamic, including finances, behavioral roles, stability at home, and the mental, physical, and spiritual health of each family member.1 If left untreated, addiction may very well destroy the family, leaving nothing behind but the broken pieces of what used to be.

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