Tag: enabling

5 Signs You’re Enabling a Loved One and Their Addiction

5 Signs You’re Enabling a Loved One and Their Addiction 5 Signs You're Enabling a Loved One and Their Addiction

An enabler is someone who encourages or otherwise supports negative behavior. Some may do this willingly or unknowingly with good intentions. After all, enabling someone can look a lot like empowering them, and it can even start off that way. But empowering someone without giving them the room to build the skills for independence can quickly become a situation of enablement. Let’s discuss some of the ways unyielding support can become a problem of unhealthy enablement.

The Enabling Cycle: When Helping isn’t Helping

The Enabling Cycle: When Helping isn’t Helping enabling a drug addict

Drug addiction does not discriminate, it doesn’t care if your rich or poor, famous or unknown, a man or woman, it doesn’t care what race or age you are. Many people can relate first hand to the effects of the drug epidemic in America, and parents are crying out with pleas of help. Everyone connected […]

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