Tag: EAP

Can I Use My HSA For Drug Rehab?

Can I Use My HSA For Drug Rehab? health savings account

Updated on October 7th, 2020 In 2017, an estimated 20.7 million people needed treatment for a substance use disorder but only 4 million people received treatment (about 19% of those who needed it).1 One of the most common reasons people don’t receive treatment is a lack of financial ability. Fortunately, several different options can relieve […]

How to Pay for Drug Rehab With and Without Insurance

How to Pay for Drug Rehab With and Without Insurance How to Pay for Drug Rehab With and Without Insurance

How to Pay for Drug Rehab With and Without Insurance   Paying for drug and alcohol rehab may seem daunting at first, but you shouldn’t let that keep you from getting the help you need. At Nova Recovery Center, we strive to make our addiction treatment as affordable as possible. On the same note, we […]

The Effects of Workplace Substance Abuse

The Effects of Workplace Substance Abuse man abusing drugs in the office

Have you ever shown up to work high or hungover from drinking the night before? How well did you perform that day? Many employees suffer and struggle to perform to their full potential due to the effects of substance abuse. Employees with substance abuse issues are less productive, use more sick days, are more likely […]

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