Tag: Drugged Driving

Why We Need to Remove “Clean” From Our Addiction Vocabulary

Why We Need to Remove “Clean” From Our Addiction Vocabulary Why We Need to Remove "Clean" From Our Addiction Vocabulary

It’s time for a vocabulary lesson on the word “clean” in reference to addiction. This word and many others like it often impress a negative connotation on individuals struggling with substance abuse disorders. It’s our responsibility as a community to strive to support addicted individuals. One of the ways we can accomplish this is by acknowledging harmful language in reference to addiction and work to reform the vocabulary. Let’s discuss why words like “clean” are insensitive and identify some alternative phrasing with neutral or positive connotations.

Why Driving Under Influence is More Dangerous Than You Think

Why Driving Under Influence is More Dangerous Than You Think driving under the influence

Driving while under the influence of drugs like alcohol or marijuana is problematic, for both the user and the other people who might come along the way. There are also cases of people under the influence of prescription drugs, while driving.

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