Tag: alcoholism

3 Steps to an Alcohol-Free Life

3 Steps to an Alcohol-Free Life Alcohol-free Life

Alcohol addiction is one of the most common and dangerous addictions in the world. It is easy to get addicted to alcohol as it is easily available everywhere. If you or your friend is looking for an alcohol-free life, kindly read this. Contrary to popular belief, coming out of alcohol addiction is easy. With a lot of treatments available, from detox to residential rehabilitation, you can get rid of all the alcohol-traces in your body in no time at all.

How Should Families Deal with Addiction During the Holidays?

How Should Families Deal with Addiction During the Holidays? How Should Families Deal with Addiction During the Holidays?

Life with an addicted family member can be stressful and chaotic, but during the holidays, this can sometimes be magnified. Enjoying the holiday season may seem impossible when you’re bombarded by feelings of frustration, disappointment, or dread, especially if your addicted loved one is out of control. Even if he or she is just beginning […]

Are Partners of Alcoholics More Likely to Become Alcoholics Themselves?

Are Partners of Alcoholics More Likely to Become Alcoholics Themselves? Are Partners of Alcoholics More Likely to Become Alcoholics Themselves?

Partners of alcoholics may be more likely to become alcoholics themselves, although there are many complex factors involved. Due to the likelihood of extreme emotional problems, social isolation, health issues, financial difficulties and more, people with alcoholic spouses or partners may choose to self-medicate with alcohol to cope. Challenges of Having an Alcoholic Spouse or […]

Author Jody Lamb Talks Personal Growth and Healing as an ACoA

Author Jody Lamb Talks Personal Growth and Healing as an ACoA 7 Things That Change Everything

Jody Lamb is a Michigan personal growth author, blogger, and adult child of an alcoholic (ACoA). She has spent the last ten years healing from the trauma and neglect she experienced as a child. Her most recent book, “7 Things That Change Everything” addresses the challenges of living as an ACoA and is designed to […]

Addiction in the Family: Effects of an Alcoholic Father or Mother

Addiction in the Family: Effects of an Alcoholic Father or Mother child with alcoholic parents

In 2017, about 20 million people ages 12 or over had a substance use disorder in the past year and nearly 15 million of these people struggle with alcohol use disorder.1 While addiction takes a heavy toll on the user, leading to serious physical and psychological problems, substance abuse can be just as hard on […]

How to Overcome Dry Drunk Syndrome

How to Overcome Dry Drunk Syndrome How to Overcome Dry Drunk Syndrome

Many sober people find themselves depressed, anxious, and lonely as they struggle to find happiness in a life of sobriety. Sure, they might not be drinking or using drugs anymore, but everyday life is dull and meaningless. These are typical symptoms of an issue called dry drunk syndrome, and it’s much more common than you […]

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