Everything You Need to Know About Buprenorphine

Everything You Need to Know About Buprenorphine Everything You Need to Know About Buprenorphine

Withdrawing from opioids is often much more manageable when symptoms are being controlled with an addiction medication like Buprenorphine. But what exactly is Buprenorphine and what does it do? Here’s everything you need to know about the addiction medication Buprenorphine.

Why Driving Under Influence is More Dangerous Than You Think

Why Driving Under Influence is More Dangerous Than You Think driving under the influence

Driving while under the influence of drugs like alcohol or marijuana is problematic, for both the user and the other people who might come along the way. There are also cases of people under the influence of prescription drugs, while driving.

Meth in the LGBTQ+ Community

Meth in the LGBTQ+ Community Meth in the LGBTQ+ Community and the added risk of HIV

The abuse of crystal meth among the LGBTQ+ community has been a prominent health concern for decades. However, abuse is especially prominent among gay and bisexual men after gaining popularity in the 1990s, steadily increasing into a modern epidemic. But how did this trend begin and why has it gotten worse? Let’s explore.

Why Would Doctors & Lawyers Get Addicted?

Why Would Doctors & Lawyers Get Addicted? Addiction Treatment for Executives

It is true that even the most respected and highly paid professionals get addicted to drugs. But, not for the reasons you might think. For most people using drugs started off as a leisure activity. They got their hands in drugs and tried them out. After a couple times it felt good and they gradually got addicted to them.

Back to School: Adderall Abuse Among College Students

Back to School: Adderall Abuse Among College Students Back to School - Adderall can help you focus for studying, but is the risk of addiction worth it?

It’s back to school time again, which means cramped dorm living, mountains of coursework, and strict professors. Let’s face it, college comes with a lot of stress and responsibility with not much in the way of leniency for failure. Relying on caffeine and Adderall to finish up a paper due at midnight might seem like a harmless option as long as it doesn’t become a habit. But Adderall is an amphetamine that can be highly addictive if used improperly. 

Everything You Need to Know About Delta-8 THC

Everything You Need to Know About Delta-8 THC Delta-8 THC gummies

Delta-8 THC has soared in popularity in recent years due to its questionable accessibility and similarity to traditional marijuana. It’s at the center of some lawsuits and medical disputes, leaving many wondering if this substance is safe to consume. So lets talk about this controversial product and provide some much needed clarity.

Do I Need to Join an Aftercare Program for Rehab?

Do I Need to Join an Aftercare Program for Rehab? substance abuse interventionist

Aftercare programs in rehab centers provide for a long-term support system to all the participants. It usually involves group therapy sessions facilitated by a licensed counselor. Anyone who has completed their rehab programs and is currently going through them can attend them, and they can learn and share ways to remain sober, without the comforts and conditions of recovery homes.

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