The holiday season can be very stressful for some people, especially those in recovery. Due to the impact of several different holiday triggers, this time of year can pose a risk for relapse, especially when people in recovery lack support.
Tag: addiction recovery
Jake W.’s Story of Addiction Recovery (SOAR)
Throughout his journey to recovery, Trenton has been through a lot. But overall, he says it’s important to take the advice of people who have been through it all before. Be honest with yourself and other people about where you are in life, and carefully examine your motives and intentions for doing the 12-Step work.
Trenton’s Story of Addiction Recovery (SOAR)
Throughout his journey to recovery, Trenton has been through a lot. But overall, he says it’s important to take the advice of people who have been through it all before. Be honest with yourself and other people about where you are in life, and carefully examine your motives and intentions for doing the 12-Step work.
Individualized Addiction Treatment: Why It’s Essential for Recovery
Millions of people in the United States suffer from addiction. Although these people all share the same disease, they come from different backgrounds and have varying life experiences, physical and mental health factors, and unique treatment needs.
Sam’s Story of Addiction Recovery (SOAR)
Sam didn’t fully commit to treatment until she was 66-years-old, but when she arrived at Nova, she was finally ready. Ultimately, with a willingness to be open to change, she was able to let go of all the grief, guilt, shame, and anger that she had held onto for so many years.
Emily’s Story of Addiction Recovery (SOAR)
At Nova, Emily worked closely with the treatment staff and her counselor, who helped her understand her struggle with codependency. In working with treatment professionals, she discovered that her addiction was more complex than she had imagined. For years, she had been trying to use alcohol to deal with clinical issues instead of addressing the root causes of those issues.
Justin’s Story of Addiction Recovery (SOAR)
Justin says the most important thing for him was to remain humble and teachable. Even though he had been sober for years before going to Nova, he went into treatment acting like he knew nothing. He listened, was open to change, and did what he was asked to do, which has all paid off.
Nick’s Story of Addiction Recovery (SOAR)
Peter spent 12 years sober and has worked in the addiction treatment industry for more than a decade. After relapsing last year, he was able to get back on his feet with the help of the team at Nova. He learned some important lessons in the process and we are so happy to see him healthy and sober again!
Peter’s Story of Addiction Recovery (SOAR)
Peter spent 12 years sober and has worked in the addiction treatment industry for more than a decade. After relapsing last year, he was able to get back on his feet with the help of the team at Nova. He learned some important lessons in the process and we are so happy to see him healthy and sober again!
Kurt’s Story of Addiction Recovery (SOAR)
Kurt never drank in the morning. Instead, he would wake up, go to work, suffer through his day, and then re-medicate with alcohol in the evening to feel better. Unlike earlier in his life, Kurt found that he enjoyed hard liquor much more than he used to because it was easier to find his “happy place,” that sweet spot where he didn’t have to face the stress of life. Years went by and gradually, Kurt became what he always said he wouldn’t be.