5 Most Addictive Drugs
Last Updated on September 21, 2022

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Addiction comes in many forms and levels of severity. But what are the most addictive substances? And what makes these drugs so addictive? Let’s discuss the top 5 most addictive drugs, their traits, and the characteristics of addiction.
Heroin is an opioid drug derived from morphine, a natural substance produced by poppy plants in Mexico, Columbia, and Southern Asia. The consistency of heroin varies from a white or brown powder to a black, sticky liquid commonly referred to as black tar heroin. There are many ways to consume heroin including injecting, snorting, or smoking. Speedballing is a popular and uniquely dangerous form of heroin that mixes in crack cocaine to create a sort of hybrid between the two drugs.
What makes heroin so highly addictive is its ability to quickly enter the brain and attach to opioid cell receptors that process pain and pleasure. This creates a feeling of euphoria unique to heroin that develops rapidly into physical dependence and addiction. Pure heroin alone carries the risk of an overdose but it’s infrequent that an addict receives or produces pure heroin. Often heroin is mixed with sugars, starches, and powdered milk which clogs blood vessels and greatly increases the risk of overdose and permanent damage.
Cocaine is a stimulant drug derived from the leaves of coca plants in South America. The most notable consistency of cocaine is a white powder that can be snorted through the nose or rubbed on the gums for quick absorption. It can also be dissolved and injected, most notably to mix with heroin as speedballing. By extension, the freebasing version of cocaine is a more solid “rock” form known as “crack” that can be smoked.
What makes cocaine so highly addictive is not only the euphoric high but the intense crash following the high. Cocaine crash causes a severe dip in dopamine and energy levels. This leads many to seek out another dose to achieve the euphoric feeling again. As a result, it’s very easy to overdose on cocaine. This is because of the common practice of “bumping” or taking one large dose followed by several small doses to maintain a high over an extended length of time.
Methamphetamine—also known as Meth—is a synthetic central nervous system stimulant derived from an amphetamine base. The consistency of meth is similar to glass, often crystalline in appearance, hence the namesake crystal meth. There are a few different ways to take meth, including orally in pill form, smoking, and injecting the powder dissolved in water or alcohol.
Meth provides a very fleeting high which often leads people to consume it in a “binge and crash” routine. This pattern quickly leads to physical dependency and addiction because it almost instantly establishes the habit of maintaining a high.
We’re placing alcohol and nicotine in the same bracket. Not to detract from the seriousness of the individual substances but because they are so commonly associated with and synonymous with addiction. The first substances that come to mind for most people when they think of addiction are alcohol and cigarettes. What makes alcohol and nicotine so highly addictive is the slow onset of their physical dependency. Often the path to addiction is very gradual. An individual isn’t even aware it’s a problem until it’s already impacted their life in a majorly negative way.
Benzodiazepines, commonly referred to as “benzos,” are prescription central nervous system sedatives or tranquilizers. The most recognizable brands of benzodiazepines are Valium and Xanax. The reason benzodiazepines are so highly addictive is that people build up a tolerance to them and require higher and higher doses of the substance. Increasing the dose numerous times will lead to physical dependence and eventually addiction.
Addiction Treatment with Nova
Nova Recovery Center tailors individualized treatment including addiction medication if it’s necessary. Our qualified staff dedicates themselves to a healthy and safe environment that fosters growth and lasting recovery. Additionally, we have drug rehab facilities conveniently located in Wimberley, Houston, and Austin Texas. If you or someone you know are struggling with addiction and looking for options in treatment, Nova Recovery Center can provide support. Call (888) 427 – 4932 today for more information on our individualized programs and amenities.