Category: Treatment

Best Addiction Treatment Center: Nova Ranked 7th In Nation.

Best Addiction Treatment Center: Nova Ranked 7th In Nation. Drug rehab center in Wimberley, TX

Nova Recovery Center ranks number seven on QuitAlcohol Top Ten Treatment Centers list for addiction treatment. is an initiative with the Alcohol Abuse Counsel and a trained group of volunteers. Their team consists of many writers, and individuals in recovery. QuitAlcohol shares the common goal of distributing information that the general public can use […]

Treating Heroin Cravings with Virtual Reality

Heroin use has been on the rise since 2002, doubling over the course of ten years. With this increase in heroin use comes the need for new and improved forms of treatment. While medications and traditional therapy are important in the continued fight against heroin addiction, researchers are beginning to look toward new innovations to […]

What Is Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)?

What Is Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)? man suffers from withdrawal symptoms in bed

If you want to get sober, withdrawal symptoms are a normal part of the process. Although they are uncomfortable, they are often short-lived and are very manageable with medical treatment. However, many people experience mild withdrawal symptoms that persist or randomly re-appear in the early months of recovery. These types of withdrawal symptoms are known […]

Double Down: Dual Diagnosis of Depression and Addiction

Double Down: Dual Diagnosis of Depression and Addiction depression and addiction dual diagnosis

It’s not uncommon for mental disorders like depression to accompany addiction. According to the latest 2020 data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the percentage of adults with both a serious mental illness and a substance use disorder increased from 2.3 million in 2015 to 3.6 million in 2019.1 In these instances, […]

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