Category: Treatment

The Importance of Recognizing and Treating Trauma

The Importance of Recognizing and Treating Trauma the importance of recognizing and treating trauma

Survivors of trauma are everywhere among us, sometimes in our own families. Whether the trauma involved witnessing or experiencing a violent event, surviving a natural disaster, returning home after serving our country as a member of the armed forces in an area of intense, unrelenting combat, struggling to come to grips with life after prolonged domestic or partner abuse, or trying to put the pieces back together after childhood years of physical and/or sexual abuse, neglect or abandonment, the result is the same: trying to mend a life shattered by trauma.

Why Our Continuum of Care Helps Many Achieve Long-Term Sobriety

Why Our Continuum of Care Helps Many Achieve Long-Term Sobriety long-term sobriety

Going through detox and treatment for alcohol or drug abuse is an important first step on the road to recovery. It is, however, only the beginning of the sobriety journey. Once you complete formal treatment and return home, the reality of familiar people, places and things you associated with substance abuse comes crashing down. You need a safe harbor, a strong and supportive network to help you withstand the cravings and urges that are likely to surface, sometimes without warning and often with a vengeance.

Why Assisted Medical Detox is the Best Alternative

Why Assisted Medical Detox is the Best Alternative assisted medical detox

The inclination to get clean and sober may come after months of increasingly negative consequences associated with drug and alcohol abuse. Yet the dangers of detoxing alone are so great that no one should attempt it. That is why assisted medical detox1 the best alternative.

90-Day Alcohol Treatment Programs

90-Day Alcohol Treatment Programs 90-day alcohol treatment

A 90 day alcohol treatment program may be most effective choice when you’re struggling with an alcohol use disorder, but how long should your stay in treatment last?. That answer can vary per person, from 30, 60 to 90 days in an inpatient facility that provides a high level of structure, 24/7 monitoring and therapeutic treatment.

What Is Behavioral Addiction?

What Is Behavioral Addiction? behavioral addiction

When most people think of addiction, they probably associate the condition with drug or alcohol abuse. It’s true that many cases of addiction involve substance abuse and research shows that over 21 million adults in the United States have a problem with drugs or alcohol. However, it’s also possible to become addicted to a behavior, or what is called behavioral addiction.

The Enabling Cycle: When Helping isn’t Helping

The Enabling Cycle: When Helping isn’t Helping enabling a drug addict

Drug addiction does not discriminate, it doesn’t care if your rich or poor, famous or unknown, a man or woman, it doesn’t care what race or age you are. Many people can relate first hand to the effects of the drug epidemic in America, and parents are crying out with pleas of help. Everyone connected […]

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