Category: Substance Abuse

5 Signs You Might Be Self-Medicating to Deal With Stress

5 Signs You Might Be Self-Medicating to Deal With Stress self-medicating to deal with stress

It’s not uncommon for people to use drugs to deal with stress, fear, or other complex emotions. But over time, this behavior can grow into addiction and cause serious physical and mental health problems.

How Does Alcohol and Drug Use Influence Suicidal Behaviors?

How Does Alcohol and Drug Use Influence Suicidal Behaviors? substance abuse and suicide

Addiction, depression, and suicide are all very closely related. People who suffer from severe depression and other mental health issues often engage in risky behaviors or turn to drugs and alcohol to numb their negative feelings. However, chronic alcohol or drug abuse also produces toxic side effects, including mental health issues like anxiety and depression. As a person continues to use alcohol or drugs to cope with depression, they’re likely to experience depressive episodes more often, increasing feelings of hopelessness and despair.

How Grief and Substance Abuse Are Connected

How Grief and Substance Abuse Are Connected

As the side effects of the unresolved grief and substance abuse worsen, the issues are compounded, creating significant psychological, spiritual, and physical turmoil. Without treatment and support, it is challenging to work through these complex issues and find hope. If you or a loved one feels stuck in a cycle of grief and substance abuse, there is a way out. Learning more about how substance abuse and grief relate to each other may help you understand why professional treatment is often necessary to heal.

What Are the Risks and Side Effects of Marijuana Edibles?

What Are the Risks and Side Effects of Marijuana Edibles?

The popularity of marijuana edibles has recently increased with the legalization of marijuana in many different U.S. states. However, many people who consume these edibles do so without fully knowing the risks involved. Like any other drug, marijuana edibles can cause short-term and long-term side effects. They also carry the risk of overdose if someone takes too much or they are more potent than anticipated. Before you consume any cannabis-infused food products, you should carefully consider the risks.

Experts Warn of Coronavirus Wave of Mental Health Problems, Substance Abuse

Experts Warn of Coronavirus Wave of Mental Health Problems, Substance Abuse man disintegrating

The coronavirus pandemic has left many Americans struggling financially, emotionally, and physically, as they face the side effects of social distancing, unemployment, physical or emotional abuse at home, addiction, and anxiety regarding the health and safety of loved ones. Often, people are left to face these challenging life circumstances without access to adequate help.

Are Partners of Alcoholics More Likely to Become Alcoholics Themselves?

Are Partners of Alcoholics More Likely to Become Alcoholics Themselves? Are Partners of Alcoholics More Likely to Become Alcoholics Themselves?

Partners of alcoholics may be more likely to become alcoholics themselves, although there are many complex factors involved. Due to the likelihood of extreme emotional problems, social isolation, health issues, financial difficulties and more, people with alcoholic spouses or partners may choose to self-medicate with alcohol to cope. Challenges of Having an Alcoholic Spouse or […]

October is All About Substance Abuse Prevention and Mental Health Awareness

October is All About Substance Abuse Prevention and Mental Health Awareness October is All About Substance Abuse Prevention and Mental Health Awareness

The month of October is a great time to help a friend or a loved one who is suffering from substance abuse or mental illness. This month full of annual observances that are dedicated to promoting prevention and awareness of these issues, and chances are, you know someone who is affected by substance abuse, either […]

Dextromethorphan (DXM) Addiction: Side Effects, Detox, Withdrawal, and Treatment

Dextromethorphan (DXM) Addiction: Side Effects, Detox, Withdrawal, and Treatment Dextromethorphan syrup

What is Dextromethorphan (DXM)? DXM, or dextromethorphan, is a dissociative anesthetic and a commonly-used synthetic substance found in over-the-counter cough and cold medicines.1 DXM has a long history of efficacy and safety in suppressing cough when used in therapeutic doses but it is also misused for recreational purposes, as it can cause a high.

How to Stop Taking Adderall

How to Stop Taking Adderall How to Stop Taking Adderall

Adderall dependence is extremely common and many people use the drug medically or recreationally to get through the day. According to a 2016 study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Adderall abuse is most common among young adults ages 18 to 25.1 Another study found that about 1 in 3 college students reported misusing […]

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