Alcoholism is one of the most common of the addiction problems that is faced around the world. Of all the addictive substances, alcohol is perhaps the most easily available and loosely regulated product in the world. Underage drinking is a rising concern in many countries and even among adults, drinking causes many health problems.
Category: alcohol abuse
How Digital Detox Helps in Recovery from Addiction
Addiction could be caused by a number of factors like personal trauma, physical problems, low self-esteem, depression, and many more. If you or anyone you know is recovering from addiction, it is important to know about digital detox.
How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Helps in Treating Addiction & Prevents Relapse
As the name implies, the treatment involves understanding and analyzing the behavioral patterns that are associated with addiction. For a starter, it involves observing the external and internal stimuli that are driving you towards the consumption of alcohol or any other drugs.
4 Signs that You Should Sign up for Outpatient Alcohol Rehab
Do you seem to enjoy alcohol a little more than usual? You could be suffering from borderline addiction. It is a dangerous condition that could blow over the boundary at any time. If you are not careful, you could fall into the deep trap of alcoholism and lead your life down the path of addiction.
Find the Best Alcohol Rehab in Austin
Alcohol addiction is one of the most common addictions in the world. If you are wondering how to get out of this destructive behavior then you are also a part of the large majority of Americans who are trying to make their lives better. There is good news for you.
Some Quotes To Ponder During Recovery
Addiction is a chronic degenerative disease caused by sustained use of a substance, which often contains psychoactive elements. Addiction is a misunderstood disease because during the United States’ 50-year War on Drugs, first started by President Nixon in 1971, a misconception about the nature of addiction has spread. This misconception places the blame of the […]
Demystifying Addiction Treatment
Drug addiction is a chronic health condition that inhibits an affected individual’s ability to control their behavior and impulses when it comes to their drug intake, despite the negative health and social consequences of their drug use. Drug addiction is such a dangerous disease because the long-term use of the drug affects our brain chemistry, leading to changes in our reward systems.
Alcohol, Energy Drinks, and Caffeine: What are the Risks?
Combining alcohol and energy drinks together has become a popular drinking trend in recent years, but it isn’t without its dangers. Alcoholic energy drinks (AEDs) or caffeinated alcoholic beverages (CABs) are premixed beverages that not only contain alcohol but also caffeine and other stimulants such as taurine. A typical AED or CAB beverage contains about […]
How To Stay Positive After A Relapse
Because addiction is a chronic disease, relapse can be a very real outcome in the recovery and addiction treatment process. Unfortunately, the likelihood of relapse can also be high. However, if you have suffered a relapse and are concerned about what that may mean for your future recovery, you should know that you are not alone. Through ongoing treatment and other strategies, there are many ways to regain your sobriety and help get you started back on the road to recovery. This article contains ideas about how to stay positive after a relapse has occurred.
Dissociative Disorders and Addiction: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Dissociative disorders and addiction commonly co-occur, making recovery more difficult.1 Both conditions can make day-to-day functioning very hard, and to cope with the symptoms of a dissociative disorder, a person may be more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol.