Category: Addiction

How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Helps in Treating Addiction & Prevents Relapse

How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Helps in Treating Addiction & Prevents Relapse

As the name implies, the treatment involves understanding and analyzing the behavioral patterns that are associated with addiction. For a starter, it involves observing the external and internal stimuli that are driving you towards the consumption of alcohol or any other drugs.

4 Signs that You Should Sign up for Outpatient Alcohol Rehab

4 Signs that You Should Sign up for Outpatient Alcohol Rehab substance abuse interventionist

Do you seem to enjoy alcohol a little more than usual? You could be suffering from borderline addiction. It is a dangerous condition that could blow over the boundary at any time. If you are not careful, you could fall into the deep trap of alcoholism and lead your life down the path of addiction.

Find the Best Alcohol Rehab in Austin

Find the Best Alcohol Rehab in Austin 90-day rehab in Austin

Alcohol addiction is one of the most common addictions in the world. If you are wondering how to get out of this destructive behavior then you are also a part of the large majority of Americans who are trying to make their lives better. There is good news for you.

Some Quotes To Ponder During Recovery

Some Quotes To Ponder During Recovery

Addiction is a chronic degenerative disease caused by sustained use of a substance, which often contains psychoactive elements. Addiction is a misunderstood disease because during the United States’ 50-year War on Drugs, first started by President Nixon in 1971, a misconception about the nature of addiction has spread. This misconception places the blame of the […]

What is High-Functioning Alcoholism? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

What is High-Functioning Alcoholism? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options High-functioning alcoholic checking his watch to see if it's time for a drink.

Take a moment to consider what comes to mind when you think of a stereotypical alcoholic: Is it someone who constantly drinks entirely too much to the point of appearing disheveled or not entirely put together, slurs their words, causes embarrassing scenes during social functions or family events, and whose life is generally falling apart […]

Celebrate Pride Month With These Sober Activities in Austin

Celebrate Pride Month With These Sober Activities in Austin A sober woman celebrating during Pride Month.

‘The Live Music Capital of the World’ Has a Place For Everyone Austin is known for its beautiful location in the Texas Hill Country, laid-back atmosphere, and welcoming LGBTQ environment, and is often referred to as ‘The Live Music Capital of the World’ for good reason: the city is home to more than 250 venues […]

The Invisible Dangers of Fentanyl-Laced Drugs: Heroin

The Invisible Dangers of Fentanyl-Laced Drugs: Heroin Syringe and spoon with heroin

Heroin has been the most popular illicit opioid for recreational use for decades, but fentanyl is relatively new in illicit markets, and it has made a huge impact in the last few years. You may already be aware that heroin overdoses and deaths are on the rise around the country, but that only tells part of the […]

The Healing Benefits of Music Therapy in Addiction Recovery

The Healing Benefits of Music Therapy in Addiction Recovery Man holding a guitar celebrating his recovery through music therapy.

Music therapy, also known as Music Assisted Therapy or MAT, is a form of expressive art therapy that is often used in addiction recovery treatment programs to encourage those suffering from substance abuse disorder (SUD) to come to terms with the underlying issues that may have contributed to their addiction and to provide a constructive […]

The Invisible Dangers of Fentanyl-Laced Drugs: Meth

The Invisible Dangers of Fentanyl-Laced Drugs: Meth Man mixing unknown chemicals into beakers.

The rate of accidental, often fatal overdoses involving fentanyl-laced street drugs has increased significantly in recent years with stimulants such as methamphetamine accounting for the large majority of new cases being reported. Each drug has long been considered extremely addictive and deadly in its own right; however, a random sampling study of meth seized by […]

Demystifying Addiction Treatment

Demystifying Addiction Treatment

Drug addiction is a chronic health condition that inhibits an affected individual’s ability to control their behavior and impulses when it comes to their drug intake, despite the negative health and social consequences of their drug use. Drug addiction is such a dangerous disease because the long-term use of the drug affects our brain chemistry, leading to changes in our reward systems.

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