It’s National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

It’s National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

What Is National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week? National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week is a nationwide health observance aimed at counteracting the myths teens hear about drug and alcohol use.1 Many federal, state and local partners have teamed up to make this observance a priority, including the:

Trapped in a Downward Spiral of Addiction

Trapped in a Downward Spiral of Addiction stories addiction recovery

Parker Jarmon’s drug use started early. He was only 13 years old when he first started smoking marijuana. Before he smoked, he was a loner—a lost soul. But marijuana changed all that. He finally fit in. In tenth grade, Parker got an Adderall prescription, but after a year on that drug, he craved something more. […]

Why a Moral Inventory Should Be a Part of Your Sobriety

Why a Moral Inventory Should Be a Part of Your Sobriety Why a Moral Inventory Should Be a Part of Your Sobriety

What is a Moral Inventory? Step four of the 12-step program requires that individuals make a searching and fearless moral inventory of themselves.1,2 A moral inventory is a written objective assessment of your life, including character deficits, strengths and weaknesses, and an overarching look at the damage you’ve caused with your addiction.

Netflix Documentary Review: Heroin(e)

Netflix Documentary Review: Heroin(e) Netflix Documentary Review: Heroin(e)

The definition of a heroine is, “a woman noted for courageous acts or nobility of character.” The Netflix Original documentary “Heroin(e)” directed by Elaine McMillion Sheldon, brings that definition to life as it follows the lives of three courageous women who are battling West Virginia’s opioid epidemic every single day: a judge, a fire chief, […]

Reclaiming Life from Heroin and Alcohol Addiction

Reclaiming Life from Heroin and Alcohol Addiction stories addiction recovery

Amit grew up in a home with two loving and supportive parents, but the older he got, the more disengaged from society he became. Convinced that his youth was the time to have fun and take risks, Amit slowly began to stray from his homegrown values and started drinking and smoking weed. Eventually, that wasn’t […]

Tips for Living Life with a Spouse in Recovery

Tips for Living Life with a Spouse in Recovery Tips for Living Life with a Spouse in Recovery

Family, Marriage, and Addiction In some families, addiction is something that is rarely talked about, but its effects are felt in the strained relationships of all those involved. Studies have concluded that the risk of developing a drug or alcohol addiction is largely based on genetics and poor coping skills, but also that children of […]

A Snowy Winter Reminder and the Beauty of Change

A Snowy Winter Reminder and the Beauty of Change snowy winter

Last night here in Texas, we had a rare winter’s snow. As startling as it is to suddenly be driving home from work facing a full assault of thick, white snowflakes, all was forgiven this morning when we awoke to see a gorgeous blanket of white coating the browns and pale greens of a typical […]

7 Unhealthy Ways Families Cope With Addiction

7 Unhealthy Ways Families Cope With Addiction 7 Unhealthy Ways Families Cope With Addiction

Addiction impacts every aspect of the family dynamic, including finances, behavioral roles, stability at home, and the mental, physical, and spiritual health of each family member.1 If left untreated, addiction may very well destroy the family, leaving nothing behind but the broken pieces of what used to be.

What to Do When a Loved One Leaves Drug Rehab Early

What to Do When a Loved One Leaves Drug Rehab Early What to Do When a Loved One Leaves Drug Rehab Early

There is never a good reason to leave drug rehab before fully completing a program, but unfortunately, it does happen sometimes. If you receive a phone call from your loved one saying he or she wants to come home, it might be tempting to give them what they want, but doing so would only hurt […]

8 Reasons People Avoid Going to Rehab

8 Reasons People Avoid Going to Rehab 8 Common Things That Keep People from Enrolling in Drug Rehab

Updated on July 15th, 2020 Did you know that 70-80 percent of people with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes receive treatment while only 1 in 10 people suffering from addiction receive treatment?1 Despite the prevalence of addiction in the United States, very few Americans get the treatment they need. Although you […]

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