Heroin: An Element of Death

Last Updated on July 13, 2022

Ginni Burton, ex-heroin addict before and after recovery.

Heroin is a poison that is procured from morphine. It was originally created in 1874 by the pharmacist C. R. Alder Wright and was used to help ease relief for those who are in pain or had difficulty sleeping. Heroin is classified as an opiate, which means it may have effects similar to morphine or codeine because it contains molecules that bind to molecules found on cells throughout the body called opioid receptors, which can create feelings of pleasure and relaxation

What Does Heroin Do?

Heroin mimics natural endorphins that are released by our brain when we exercise or experience strong emotions like love, which makes us feel good and provides temporary relief from pain, sadness, or depression. Heroin depresses the respiratory system and slows down your heart rate. People who use heroin don’t always know exactly what they are getting and may be taking other substances with the heroin. This can make it more dangerous, increasing the intensity of the high risk of overdose

How Strong is Heroin?

Heroin comes in 3 basic forms: white powder, black tar, and brown rock. The white powder has a measured purity of 1-6% while the rock has a purity range between 40-60%. The white powder version is usually snorted or smoked while the black tar form is typically injected. The brown rock form has a purity of at least 90%

The effects of heroin are often similar to those of morphine and codeine, so they are used to treat pain. It is also used to medicate the prodrome of diabetes and diarrhea. However, there have been reports that heroin can cause the user to feel high even if it is still not being digested. Opiates like morphine can also be used with other drugs like alcohol or sedatives causing an accident or overdose. Experts believe that there may be more differences among illicit substances than previously thought because some studies show that the effects of opiates depend on what other substances are combined with them.


Heroin addiction medication is a tangled issue that requires time and effort to overcome. Individuals who get hooked on heroin can have difficulty finding a rehabilitation program that will not only provide support but also be effective in combating the physical and mental effects associated with opioid dependence. In order to recover from heroin addiction, individuals must undergo professional therapy at Drug Rehab and partake in programming tailored to their needs.

The subsequent are some of the most potent ways that treatment centers combat heroin addiction:


Therapy is amongst the most crucial tools in healing. It provides a connection with others as well as an opportunity to address underlying issues related to drug abuse such as anxiety, depression, or trauma. Many treatment centers offer therapy sessions that deal specifically with heroin addiction. In addition, some may provide group sessions that also encompass therapy.

Medication-assisted therapy:

Although withdrawal from opiates can be physically dangerous, medication-assisted therapy makes the process much easier on the body. Medication administered during detox can reduce symptoms associated with opiate withdrawals and help patients to focus on rehabilitation.

Holistic treatment:

Incorporating holistic aspects of recovery is a great way for addicts to connect with their bodies again and learn to live a balanced lifestyle. Techniques like yoga, meditation, or art therapy are all encouraged during rehab because they help individuals create a routine for living in recovery that does not involve drug abuse.

Treatment programs for heroin addiction are meant to help individuals overcome the physical and psychological aspects of opioid dependence. consult a qualified rehab facility right once if you or anyone you know is suffering from opioid addiction.

Where Do I Turn For Help?

At Nova Recovery Center, we provide the best cognitive behavioral therapy to combat your addictions. It trains you mentally, emotionally, and physically to stay out of substance abuse. We have many sober living homes and detox centers in Texas. Book an appointment today. If you feel that you need help with an addiction and want to learn more about outpatient drug rehab in Austin, Texas, please call Nova Recovery Center at (888) 427-4932 or contact us online today.

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