Everything You Need to Know About Delta-8 THC
Last Updated on August 12, 2022

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Delta-8 THC has soared in popularity in recent years due to its questionable accessibility and similarity to traditional marijuana. It’s at the center of some lawsuits and medical disputes, leaving many wondering if this substance is safe to consume. So let’s talk about this controversial product and provide some much-needed clarity.
What is Delta-8?
Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol, more commonly known as Delta-8 THC, is a psychoactive cannabinoid derived from the plant cannabis Sativa—the very same plant marijuana comes from. This substance is also popularly referred to as “diet weed” because of its appetite-suppressing quality. Delta-8 THC is very similar to Delta-9 THC which is the compound in marijuana responsible for producing the intoxicating high effect of regular weed.
The most popular form of “diet weed” is little packages of gummies that look and taste like candy. Many have been critical of Delta-8 gummies because their appearance and taste are appealing to children. That paired with the accessibility of buying the gummies online is a recipe for disaster.
Is it Legal?
Delta-8 THC is still legal in the United States. However, state and local officials are actively pursuing legislation that would make the substance illegal. The subject as it stands is a bit complicated to discuss because Delta-8 is technically unregulated. The only substance that is regulated at the federal level is Delta-9 but some states prohibit the sale of both products. As it stands in Texas, Delta-8 is still legal despite an ongoing lawsuit on whether it can be classified as an illegal substance.
The way Delta-8 is derived for mass production is illegal though. This substance doesn’t naturally occur in large amounts and is therefore produced synthetically to meet high market demand. Most synthetic weed and the chemicals used to make it were outlawed in 2011 with even harsher regulations being passed a decade later in 2021.
In short, Delta-8 itself is not illegal. However, the process used to produce it on a mass market scale is illegal. Which leaves this substance in a gray area.
What Are the Side Effects?
The side effects are on-par with most strains of marijuana: red eyes, dry mouth, slowed reaction speeds, etc. Delta-8 has unknown variables and side effects due to the synthetic nature of the substance and it remains unapproved by the FDA. The FDA even recommends keeping the drug out of reach of pets and children after several reported cases of hospitalization.
Does Delta-8 Come With Any Health Risks?
The current health risks are unknown because the substance is unregulated and unapproved for human consumption. Previous known iterations of synthetic weed—such as K2—have been known to cause seizures, acute kidney failure, and cardiac arrest resulting in hospitalization and even death.
Is There a Difference Between Delta-8 and CBD?
The biggest difference between the two is that CBD is legal, safe for human consumption, and federally regulated. Delta-8 is not. It is technically legal to consume but it is not legal to manufacture and is synthesized with a host of manmade chemicals with unknown causes.
Essentially, CBD and THC are playing on different fields. THC offers the more traditional “high” that most people expect when they think of marijuana. CBD is meant to relax and reduce anxiety without inebriation.
Can You Become Addicted to it?
Most synthetic marijuana is addictive and Delta-8 is no exception. Individuals who use the drug liberally report symptoms of withdrawal including loss of appetite, insomnia, irritability, and depression. If you or someone you know are struggling with addiction, Nova Recovery Center can provide support. We have locations in Austin, Houston, and Wimberley Texas. Call today to begin your journey in recovery at (888) 428-1501.